If you can't hear my teeth gnashing you have to be deaf. All was great, for a while. After my HD died about a year ago and had to do a reinstall of XP and I remembered that the WOAI should now work because before, my netframework 2.0 had been corrupted somewhere (apparently a known common problem). So it was awesome to finally use it and get some AI going. That was yesterday. Today when I tried to use rwy12 it didn't like the 2.0 so after some searching, the techies recommended cleaning it up then reinstalling it. So guess what? The 2.0 installation failed to install, just like it did long ago. MS didn't know why then and threw up their hands saying just reinstall XP and that should fix it. Well I'm done with reinstalls, short of fire or 20mm rounds killing my machine. Does anyone know what is going on with this stupid, MS acknowledged issue? I guess it was nice while it lasted.