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Hi guys. Just found my copy of CFS3 and was looking in the download library and saw netwings. What is Netwings?
It was one of the best sim websites until political infighting wrecked it. The site owner died tragically a few years ago and any hope of its rebirth with him, but we older hands remember it fondly.
Yep the 9/11 anniversary argument.... brought many of us from there to here. I was one of the first.
For the most part the best thing from Netwings where saved or replaced with better but you can use the Wayback Machine (google it) to fine a few things as not all downloades where archived.
Netwings is one of the reasons why we do not allow politics or religious discussions in this forum.

Those topics are divisive and tear forums apart. As long as we are on our topics of Aviation civil or Military a lot of good times are here to be had.
We do the same at the IOP(Intensive outpatient program) classes i go to. We are all different but we have a place to go to to discuss something in common,( that is CFS3). That is what makes SOH my go to place. We can pray for anyone with out being "preachy" . Even in my own family i don't talk about politics/religion,(there are websites for politics and other sites for religion,keep it there).