Never had this happen before...


Staff member
Here I am in the JBK Boeing 307 Stratoliner flying from Tallahassee to Orlando at 15,000. 15 mins out I start my descent into KORL and everything is just humming along like it should. About 5 mins out and 5,000ft, my altimeter goes haywire. Bouncing from 1000ft below sealevel to 10,000 above. I keep resetting it just to have it go nuts again. Okay, so obviously I'm not going to be able to use it, so I switch to the ol' Mk I eyeball out the window to keep track of how close I'm getting to the ground.

By now it's time to start slowing down for final. I'm having to fly a right pattern to land on rwy 25. Down low we've got a 5kt wind from 230*. I go to one notch of flaps to find out that it's ineffective. So, go for another notch and the only difference is that the ground is rising up to meet me faster. Starting to line up with the runway now, so I drop the gear to use them as an airbrake. Now the speed is starting to come off. But the more flaps I try to use, the less lift I'm getting. And the rwy is getting closer and closer.

So I go back to one notch of flaps and trying to stay lined up on the rwy as I'm looking at a 100+ kt landing here. The wind is still at 5kts almost on the nose but I'm being pushed sideways like it's a 30kt crosswind. I end up having to crab it in on touchdown at about 110kts. The problem was that last 20ft of descent to the rwy was like someone had pulled the wings off of the airplane and it just fell out of the sky. I ended up panthering it in all kinds of smoke and flame.

Not one of my finer moments. The Stratoliner going all squirrelly on me didn't help either.
Sounds like what happens when you try to land down wind. Maybe some glitch messed up the indicated wind direction you were getting?
Ive had the altimeter thing and ASI do wild stuff in rough weather, like passing through a cloud layer, it goes nuts. Sounds like you had some odd weather happening.

Very odd though on how it read out.

Forgot to mention last night that the altimeter affects the autopilot too. I had got down to 2500ft AGL and locked in the altitude hold as I normally do when working on an approach. "Otto" had me back up to almost double that before I caught on to his tricks and just took over manually.

I'm hoping that this was just a one time foul up of FS. I put in an alternative flight model a little while ago to fix the flaps issue (FS Aviator's C-75) and am getting ready to do some testing at Memphis.
Okay, tested at Orlando instead doing a few touch n goes before landing and taxiing around a bit.

Altimeter is back to normal :d.

Flaps are working correctly now, but with the FSAviator flight model, the Stratoliner wants to hop around a bit leaving puffs of tire smoke every time it hits the ground. Guess I need to work on this a bit. Have to check the contact points and see if they're different between the two. I'm pretty sure the weight sections are as the USAAF when flying the Stratoliner as C-75s upped the gross max weight.