never thought I'd be doing *this* again...


P-38 nut
Just sharing a little here, mostly for those old timers who remember my P-38s.

You know the old saying, never say never... In 2008 I retired from FS development and then from simming altogether not long thereafter. Two months ago, I decided to get back into it a little, at least the flying part. But now, as of today, I've come out from development retirement a little bit.

A few days after re-installing FS9 I spent some time getting reacquainted with my each of my P-38s. Visually primitive by today's standards, I think they've held up rather well. Then..., as I panned around the exterior of my favorite (the M) I noticed that it was missing two rather obvious external features. I couldn't believe it! I examined each sub-variant in the M package an d each was missing the same features.

I then found that my L, J and F-5 were each missing the same features. THese were developed over a span of about 14 months, and In all the times I tested and flew them in 2007 and early 2008 I never caught it.
Major face palm. :banghead: Tracing back through my development history I figured out how the omission likely occurred. Very embarrassing, especially since it's gone unnoticed all these years.

This started nagging at me, and I found myself avoiding those models. Well, last week I forked over a tidy sum to a computer repair shop and had them recover what they could off my old, dead PC's hard drive that had all my FS files. Fortunately the P-38 files were all still intact, along with lots of family photos that I also really wanted to recover.

This evening I finally got FSDS 3.51 up and running, pulled up the old models and within a few hours had fixed the first of many. Now I can enjoy the models again.

First one to identify what is missing gets a prize. Not sure what that will be, other than being the first one :mixed-smiley-010:

At some point I'll post the fixes if anyone is interested. I may tinker with the models a bit while I'm at it.

- dcc
Count me in! Although don't be surprised if I try to port it over to FSX.
Count me in on the updates, please :)

As for what's missing. Darned if I know but as a wild guess - the radio wires leading from rear of the canopy to each tail fin?

Not having fired up any of the Lightnings in quite a while, the only thing I can think that might be missing would be the radiator coils in the rear cooling pods.
thanks for the interest guys.

Here's a before/after -- the missing features were the turbo ram air intake under the wings. I still can't believe I missed these and it took 8+ years before I realized it. They were in previous versions, but got overlooked when I worked on the last revisions.

- dcc

PS Willy, you're more than welcome to port them to FSX!


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I still have all of them installed, an updated version would be most welcome. I prefer them over the payware version (I think I have about 3), just a better feeling all round.
Good to see you back, David. I spent many a happy hour (or more!) repainting your various models.


Gil (formerly known as cobrauk).
That's strange, the ram air pods are present on the version I downloaded yesterday?!?

If you d/l'd the XP-38 Prototype or the F/G/H Triple Play package, they have their intakes. If you d/l'd the J/F-5, L or M that has them, then it's an earlier version of the model.

All the latest models (without this fix) are on my site

- dcc
If you d/l'd the XP-38 Prototype or the F/G/H Triple Play package, they have their intakes. If you d/l'd the J/F-5, L or M that has them, then it's an earlier version of the model.

All the latest models (without this fix) are on my site

- dcc

Ah, that explains it. I look forward to your updated versions ;-)


Which is the one that has the fuel tank caps modeled as opposed to only in the textures? I need to get that one again.
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Which is the one that has the fuel tank caps modeled as opposed to only in the textures? I need to get that one again.

I believe the last release versions of each variant had the fuel caps modeled instead of as part of the textures.

- dcc
Dang, where were the beta testers on this?? What a bunch of losers!! Oh wait, that was me (oops) ... Interesting that we spend hours looking for the tiny details, and sometimes miss the big stuff! Semi big stuff anyway...

Thanks for sharing all your previous model work with the community. I've personnally enjoyed them all. And thanks for bringing up the info on the model details.

Interesting that we spend hours looking for the tiny details, and sometimes miss the big stuff! Semi big stuff anyway...

:untroubled: I was thinking the same thing. I really appreciate all your beta testing over the years. You caught tons of things I missed.

What was interesting about these missing intakes is that I missed them years ago, but noticed them almost immediately when I got FS9 running again !

Guys -- I really appreciate the kind words from everyone. It's great to be back.

- dcc