This is a new 2 seater for the front. It excells at low altitude hi-speed reconnisance, and low level ground attacks.
Actually, this is a rather old model design from the old days of R/C Modeller. It appeared in an issue from 1971, and this is the 4th or 5th time my uncle has built it. In the old days, you would use 2 Ranger 42 foam wings from Goldberg Models, but since those haven't been made for some years, we had to build it up from balsa. This variant is different than the others we built in the past, in that it is increased in size by 7% and has a wingspan of 46 1/2 inches.
Modifications to the undercarriage were done to make it more stable on the ground, as the paved runways here in Colorado are like a grinder if the wingtip scrapes. Dihedral and strip ailerons were modifications too, as the original plans were designed for 3 channel radio gear, with rudder elevator and throttle.
The wings and tail surfaces are covered with supermonokote, and the fuselage is doped silk, and then painted with Hobbypoxy paint. It was the last that uncle had and wanted to finish it off, since it too is no longer available. The markings are ficticious ofcourse, and the skull and crossbones are from decal sheet with clear epoxy to protect them from the caustic exhaust of the model fuel.
This is something like the 25th or 30th model now that I have designed a paint scheme for him now. He still has an old one from like 1979 or 1980 where we painted it up in lozenge on the fuselage, but I'll have to go through all my photos to find it.

Actually, this is a rather old model design from the old days of R/C Modeller. It appeared in an issue from 1971, and this is the 4th or 5th time my uncle has built it. In the old days, you would use 2 Ranger 42 foam wings from Goldberg Models, but since those haven't been made for some years, we had to build it up from balsa. This variant is different than the others we built in the past, in that it is increased in size by 7% and has a wingspan of 46 1/2 inches.
Modifications to the undercarriage were done to make it more stable on the ground, as the paved runways here in Colorado are like a grinder if the wingtip scrapes. Dihedral and strip ailerons were modifications too, as the original plans were designed for 3 channel radio gear, with rudder elevator and throttle.
The wings and tail surfaces are covered with supermonokote, and the fuselage is doped silk, and then painted with Hobbypoxy paint. It was the last that uncle had and wanted to finish it off, since it too is no longer available. The markings are ficticious ofcourse, and the skull and crossbones are from decal sheet with clear epoxy to protect them from the caustic exhaust of the model fuel.
This is something like the 25th or 30th model now that I have designed a paint scheme for him now. He still has an old one from like 1979 or 1980 where we painted it up in lozenge on the fuselage, but I'll have to go through all my photos to find it.