First little round completed:
Personally I really like this one, the UL feeling is fully modeled and the throttle response is really great. On full throttle this lightweight offers quite some STOL characteristics on take off, though I don´t really know if that is correct? But it handles and feels plausible and enjoyable as I would expect from a plane this size and weight.
Modeling is also off high quality, the different materials and surfaces are nicely done, especially within the interior. Though there might be some minor polygon glitches there. Every control surface works as it should and the big glass cockpit makes flying a piece of cake. Plus you get a great visibilty with all this open structures.
Two let downs on my side so far: First, the doors don´t seem to open. This simply should be there with non ASOBO payware quality aircraft. But the developer also allready promises continous improvement with further updates. And I couldn´t figure out to completely shut her down after parking. Power of the Garmin just kept on.