New afterburner for theGmaxAc Mirage 2000


Charter Member
I have adapted the afterburner effect of the IRIS Mig-27 to the GmaxAc Mirage 2000N and think you might like it.
For the lucky owners of these two models, here is how to modify the effect:
First, in the panel.cfg file, change the view [Vcockpit01] to this:


gauge00=IRIS_Flogger!Effect Controller, 1,1,20,20
//gauge00=DSBXML!DSBAburner, 1,1,1,1
gauge01=DSB_Switches!vortices, 1,1,1,1

Then in the Aircraft.cfg file change the lights section to:


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, -13, -14, -1.9, fx_navred
light.1 = 3, 11, 0, 1, fx_vclight
light.2 = 3, 5.5, 0, 1.5, fx_vclight
light.3 = 3, -13, 14, -1.9, fx_navgre
light.4 = 3, -1, 0, 4.1, fx_navwhi
light.5 = 2, -13, -14, -1.9, fx_strobe
light.6 = 2, -13, 14, -1.9, fx_strobe
light.7 = 2, -1, 0, 4.1, fx_strobe
light.8 = 2, -21, 0, 9.5, fx_strobe
light.9 = 2, -1.15, 0, 4.05, fx_strobe
light.10 = 2, 4.09, 0, -2.43, fx_strobe
light.11 = 9, -15.00, 0, 0.45, fx_mig27_aniburner //----Afterburner
light.12 = 9, -24.95, 0, -0.38, fx_mig27_flame //----Afterburner
//light.11 = 6, -22.54, 0, -0.45, fx_dsb_tornadoburner2
//light.12 = 6, -22.59, 0, -0.45, fx_dsb_tornadoburner1
//light.13 = 6, -24.95, 0, -0.38, fx_dsb_tornadoflame
//light.14 = 6, -24.95, 0, -0.38, fx_dsb_tornadoflame
light.13 = 2, -12.83, -13.70, -1.39, fx_Vortices
light.14 = 2, -12.79, 13.69, -1.57, fx_Vortices

This mod also fits the Mirage 2000D which is still available at the GmaxAc website.
I don't suppose you have adapted the effect of the IRIS Mig-27 for the GmaxAc Mirage 2000C?

Regards Paul Day.
Sorry Paul, I don't have this version for the moment (only 2000N and D) but I think the values may be quite similar for all versions...