New Alphasim freeware Vigilante

ian elliot

There's a new Vigilante up at the Alphasim freeware site, not sure what the differance is between this and the older FS2002 version but its been a while since ive flown it, and its a very sexy machine in my hanger---
cheers ian
It IS the old one - there's an announcement on the Virtavia page to the effect that you can request them to reupload as a complete package any older file that originally was distributed as freeware without a panel or sounds. I'm guessing this was the first one requested to be reuploaded.
God you gave me a heart attack. It is the VERY OLD but oh, still so good bird that's always on my active list (in FSX). Many happy hours in that one. A classic.
I think OBIO did a "re-fit" of the Alphasim Vigilante a few years ago. He did a very nice 2D panel and a "workable" VC for it. (Back then there was no panel available for Alpha freeware). He also cleaned up the textures for it too.

There is an FSX "re-fit" as well, and the 2D panel and VC for FSX is a lot different from the FS9 version but it's the same model. I tried it in FSX for a while but I ended up bringing the RA-5C back to my FS9 install. She seems to like that sim a lot better for some reason. :encouragement:

OBIO's Great FS Effort's

And a great re-fit it was as was OBIO's re-fit of the FSD T-38. Many thank's OBIO for your efforts!!!
