New Archer from Carenado

hmm...yeah, i wasnt too happy w/ my last purchase (the twin piper). The patch they provided did fix most of the bouncing, but it still does it at most payware airports.

Even though i love carenado planes, i'm gonna have to pass on this one

Same bouncing here, sent an email to Carenado. :kilroy:

there a big thread over at AVSIM about this as well. Took me a while to convince some people that this is a bug.

unless they own it and operated the plane, it's hard to describe this bug to them

It seemed to start after he was developing the aircraft for FSX and then converted them to FS9 for us FS9 users so I am suspecting that it's a trait needed in FSX being carried over to FS9 causing this, but that's just my guess.

If the trait is a backwards conversion issue, then one set of cfg entries should be the culprit in each individual case. It is a matter of finding the offending contact points, and modifying them. Carenado should be doing this prior to releasing the aircraft for purchase, though.
I think it is specific to a computer.
The Gmax Academy Mirages seem to do this too.
I don't get the bouncing problem on any of them...

I think it is specific to a computer.
The Gmax Academy Mirages seem to do this too.
I don't get the bouncing problem on any of them...

Can ask ... ?
What are your aircraft realism settings and what is your vertex setting ?
I have all at right and vertex = 21
All other planes I have (defaults paywares and freewares) don't show this phenomena .. exept few freewares (already corrected by myself) and of course the 3 ported Carenado's AC (the two firsts ArrowT and Seneca already corrected BTW)
Everything in FS9 is maxxed.
Here's a bit of my fs9.cfg, dunno if it has bearing:
***** have your terrain max vertex level at 19.....maybe why you don't see it.....I have mine at 21 for complex 38 and 19M meshes.....maybe that is why it happens to me.
Felix I don't get bouncing with any value of TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL, 19, 20 or 21.
I'm not sure how it would contribute??
Anyhow sounds like the [contact points] fix should work.
For what it's worth, the contact points adjustment fixed my Arrow after I purchased it.
