New Arrival


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Well soon sort of.....
Any idea?


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Obviously twin engined, and very probably radial engined, and nearly certainly British unless there's an extremely weird parts selection. The easy answer would be Beaufighter but that it's not.

I'm going with a Gloster F.9/37 just for the laughs.
British, single-pilot aircraft with twin air-cooled engines. Looks like a Beaufighter to me.

Havoc II, was one of the first RAF nightfighters. USA called it A-20. Milton Shupe's original model of the plane he shared with me sometime back. John made some correct gauge textures for it and just about done texturing the pit (God how I hate texturing models never understood the Lithunwrap way....just dense I guess).

As far the beaufighters, just need to fix the vc's a bit more (done actually - just need to assemble and hex edit the textures) - tedious stuff I do not like to do. God how I wish I had an apprentice to farm the tedious stuff to.....:biggrin-new:

The spray booth is a bit crowded but I believe in a few days we should have the primer on her.....
oooohh guys, superb!!

Great to see the 12 gun nose Havoc II version, very nice aerial detail, great lateral build on Milton's already excellent A20...nice one Ted.

And a very nice tex there John, with either no or light bump mapping, just makes it. In grey/green camo for 771 NAS FAA at Twatt(!)?


Yes Mark, I have only seen one profile of a 12 gun with this camo, but I did the scheme with the Turbinlight in mind, Ted has since sent me that model, so next time you see this 12 gun it will probably be allover black!

Yep correct on Sqd and location, and what a location name it is!:biggrin-new:
Boston I am guessing??

Confusing isn't it?! Yes based on the US A-20, it's a Havoc II, fitted with a Boulton Paul 12 (.303) mg nose and MkIV radar. (The previous Havoc I came as the Boston night intruder bomber with a glazed nose; and a night fighter with an 8 mg solid nose and MkIV radar, some of these were then converted into Turbinlite searchlight ac).

John, will look mean in matt black. I think only a few Havoc's were in camo (evidence only for this specific ac), as the Havoc's were being fazed out just when NF's were changing from all black to camo in Oct '42.


Yea Mark, that's right. Here's a couple of photos, one showing a black under surface by the look of it?


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Hi John,
Yes, good pics those. The second with 'mickey-mouse ear' camo style is interesting, and even though B & W pics the medium grey is quite light?