New AvHistory aircraft available for download


Staff member
Greg and Bear are having an 'Operation Hangar Clear' back at AvHistory and are releasing some aircraft they've had for a while. These are not fully finished and are being released "as is".

Johno's lovely Sea Fury is up on the site already, although it still uses the stock Tempest cockpit. Afaik he never did get the VC built - a pity, as the standard of pit on his Meteor shows how good it could have been. But it does have a 4.0 flight model! :d

Get 'em while you can! :jump::jump::jump:
Absolutely great! :applause:

Back when the Sea Fury was going to be released I had the mission of making lights and exhaust effects for it. They never made it to the package but at least I can get them to the willing this way.

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="ac_Light_instrument_yellow" PosX="-0.0175" PosZ="-0.96" PosY="0.63" MinVel="-0.0001" MaxVel="300"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="ac_Light_panel_red_lge" PosX="-0.018" PosZ="-0.8" PosY="0.2" MinVel="-0.0001" MaxVel="300"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="ac_Light_panel_red_med" PosX="0.25" PosZ="-0.785" PosY="0.30" MinVel="-0.0001" MaxVel="300"></Effect>

(strictly optional, those cockpit lights)

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_tail" PosX="0.1" PosZ="-6.7" PosY="-0.05" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_tail" PosX="-0.1" PosZ="-6.7" PosY="-0.05" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_green" PosX="5.76" PosZ="0.4" PosY="-0.28" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_red" PosX="-5.76" PosZ="0.4" PosY="-0.28" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_r"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="0.63" PosZ="0.9" PosY="0.25"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="0.65" PosZ="0.9" PosY="0.1"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="0.66" PosZ="0.9" PosY="-0.05"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="0.66" PosZ="0.9" PosY="-0.2"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="-0.63" PosZ="0.9" PosY="0.25"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="-0.65" PosZ="0.9" PosY="0.1"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="-0.66" PosZ="0.9" PosY="-0.05"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="-0.66" PosZ="0.9" PosY="-0.2"/>
<Effect Type="Shells0" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp0b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp1b0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" AvH="emitter_damage_wing_tip_left" MinVel="43" MaxVel="53" PosX="-5.85" PosY="-0.31" PosZ="-0.67"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" AvH="emitter_damage_wing_tip_right" MinVel="43" MaxVel="53" PosX="5.85" PosY="-0.31" PosZ="-0.67"/>
Unless we are talking about a second model of the Sea Fury, it was released a couple years ago on Korean Skies and I can't sware by it but I thought it had its own cockpit??????
I also have the Korean Skies Fury, but it doesn't have an AvH FM so far as I know. Johno did tell me he had aliased/borrowed the stock Tempest pit until his own got built. A quick check of file dates will confirm that.
Yes, there is a Korean Skies/DPC Sea Fury. I am also wondering why that version does not have visible ordinance. Does anyone know?
Reading BEAR's posts on AvH it seems we'll get a number of aircraft previously released by AvH, but with the latest 4.0.169 flight model. Hopefully a number of a/c missing from their site for a while will be re-released with the latest FM - some Focke-Wulfs spring to mind.

Sheer conjecture on my part of course, but I live in hope! :engel016:
I have downloaded and installed the "seafury" into my CFS3 without problems.
When I run CFS3 and ask Quick Combat I do not find the the list of available aircraft for GB, or any other nationalities..

Thanks in advance
I have downloaded and installed the "seafury" into my CFS3 without problems.
When I run CFS3 and ask Quick Combat I do not find the the list of available aircraft for GB, or any other nationalities..

Thanks in advance

If you have the NEK installed it will show up in the British Navy list - BRN.