New!! Aviano AB scenery by John Stinstrom

Many thanks John....I was deployed there many years ago and it is a beautiful area with the Mountains just a short hop from the base and several Ski Resorts that enjoyed a fair amount of our money during the two weeks we were there. Always a pleasure to see John take on new projects like this, his work is always top-notch.:applause:
Aviano AB

Thanks for the heads up! I'm down loading now.

I think I'll change the AI to retro Italian Starfighters and perhaps the Fiat G-91s. Anyone know of a good AI G-91?
Thanks for the heads up! I'm down loading now.

I think I'll change the AI to retro Italian Starfighters and perhaps the Fiat G-91s. Anyone know of a good AI G-91?

FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002/FS2004 Fiat/Aeritalia G91R/1A Gina
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Size: 1,523,274 Date: 05-14-2004 Downloads: 3,204


FS2002/FS2004 Fiat/Aeritalia G91R/1A Gina. The G91R1 is a standard type G9191 ground-attack aircraft. The three cameras for the aerial photography take a picture forward and diagonal. Moreover, because the R/1A is equipped with the improved type of navigation device, it is not necessary to rely on ground facilities. By Kazunori Ito.

Mr Ito's G-91 makes a good stop gap AI till a dedicated one is available, lots of Stormo repaints available too :salute:

Thanks UKvoodo! I'll try and get those installed this weekend sometime.

Delta Lima, I'll keep an eye out for those "Ginas."