It took me years to get the data I needed to be able to have Beech 18 set up with the 5 differant interiors, 3 diffrant panels and vcs and the 30 liveries that will go into the rebuild.
I really want Tom to do the air files as I know
then it will as perfect as possible.
For the Beech 17 I have around 4 differant panels and 4 differant vcs and a simular number of liveries, and new sounds.
I neeed to find a new set of sounds for the beech 18.
The way my time for flight sim goes for this hobie it takes me alot of work. So My wife will decide if this goes out for free or pay... she is ok with me doing this stuff and spending tons of time on it but cant get her head around the free ware deal... so we will see how it sits at release time.
If it dose go out for pay it will be low cost nothing stupid or any thing like that.
I will tell you this, they will shock you when you see the differance. I literally went around the globe looking for source, I even went to the junk yard and found an old 18 and climbed all over it for hours takeing pictures I mean right down to the rivit size and look and I will retain the models as mauch as I can as they are stiing each at around 60k (thousand) in polies which by todays standard is pretty low. This will keep them running in good frame rates but they have enough built into them that I can get the detail to an amazeing level. Every thing will be from real photos, very little hand painting will be done on these, just in areas that I could not find source, but then I have 10 thousand material textures so I can get a photo real texture for those parts.
When they were 1st built, 60 thousand polies was unheard of, people were trying to get planes on the market for around 35k because the machines 5 or six years ago just couldnt run the addons that were any higher. But we released at 60+k and they didnt run as well for folks. Also the textures are so low in quality, at the time how ever they were real good, but we had to skimp on the that too just to ge tthe plane to run at 20 fps.
the panel was a desaster.. OMG! WONT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT.
But at the end of the day it sold alot of down loads and people still to this day love those 2 beeachs. I later put them out for freeware as I know I was going to completely re do them so People may as well get the main model and its something to fly while i worked ou the real release. So I figger they have enough built into them and they are still loved enough to bring them up to date with what the new computers can handle and make them the way I always envisioned.
This will be and best Beech 18 an 17 package around.
The up date will be in one all inclusive down load of and estimated 700 megs to 1 gig down load for each addon, the Beech 17 & 18 will be set up separatly. If this goes commercial It will be sent out on dvd as well as down loads. I will set up some missions with them as well and even some sceneries. like an old air port with vintage building and stuff like that, make this a real nice expansion type addon. Sceneries will be separate down load as well... things tend to get big around! So start saveing your band width. lol
Will work in fsx as well.