New CFS-3 Ground Textures


Charter Member
About a month ago I saw a very interesting post on this forum where some talented fellow said he was developing a whole new and enhanced set of ground textures for CFS-3 (ETO). I apologize but couldn't find the author.

I was under the impression he was in the process of farming his work out to others to get some comments/feedback. Haven't seen any follow-up. Does anyone know if this project is still in the works? Thanks
About a month ago I saw a very interesting post on this forum where some talented fellow said he was developing a whole new and enhanced set of ground textures for CFS-3 (ETO). I apologize but couldn't find the author.

I was under the impression he was in the process of farming his work out to others to get some comments/feedback. Haven't seen any follow-up. Does anyone know if this project is still in the works? Thanks

think this is the site ......

Thank you rocketred for the info.

Has anyone installed this directly to ETO 1.40?
It appears to be an improvement but concerned about anything that jeopardizes a perfectly running 1.40.

Does ETO 1.40 already have the jb scenery included? References the Windingman scenery manager. That isn't something I currently have to play with when running 1.40. So will this add a whole new level of 'fiddling' to the currently smooth process of running 1.40?

Thanks to anyone with input.
Thank you rocketred for the info.

Has anyone installed this directly to ETO 1.40?
It appears to be an improvement but concerned about anything that jeopardizes a perfectly running 1.40.

Does ETO 1.40 already have the jb scenery included? References the Windingman scenery manager. That isn't something I currently have to play with when running 1.40. So will this add a whole new level of 'fiddling' to the currently smooth process of running 1.40?

Thanks to anyone with input.

Does anyone have any input/knowledge about this scenery? and how it might work with ETO 1.40?
Does anyone have any input/knowledge about this scenery? and how it might work with ETO 1.40?

AFAIK it'll be fine in ETO. I'm sure von Oben has included detailed instructions.

The thing is, the devil is in the detail. Too many people don't take enough time to read through the installation instructions.

I myself am often guilty of this :icon_lol:. I stuffed up the first install of this package. For some reason I didn't get the WM Scenery Manager up and going.
Does ETO 1.40 already have the jb scenery included? References the Windingman scenery manager. That isn't something I currently have to play with when running 1.40. So will this add a whole new level of 'fiddling' to the currently smooth process of running 1.40?
Hi wichner

Yes, JB scenery is already included in ETO 1.40, but that's only two seasons - summer and winter.

The reason I made the "7 Season Scenery for CFS3 ETO Expansion 1.40" was to have a bit more seasonal variety and also to make a more uniform scenery so that the airfield and facilities blend better to the scenery textures and to manage the file swapping I chose the WMScenery Manager.

If you want to try out the new scenery I would suggest that you make a backup copy of your current ETO installation first. Then if something goes wrong you can easily go back.

There are a lot of files in the new scenery and I tried my best to write a detailed instruction and I also tried to make it as easily as possible by including batch files that only renames the old files so you can revert back if you don't like the new files.

But it requires that you can rename some files manually and cut and past other files.

Please read the readme file first and if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them.

I've been running the new scenery since it was released in March 2012 without any problems. When the new files are in place the WMScenery Manager handles the scenery changes. You only have to start the program once in a while, I fly campaign missions but I don't start the Manager before every mission.
