New contest


Charter Member
To allow those of us yet to get P3, and then some practice, a contest of sorts
Ok, so let's say beginning Feb.1st, you start a new pilot, ( after June 1918), and only fly this pilot once per day, ( 7 x per week), lets see who gets to the 17 hour mark first:jump: Post your hours and combat missions once done.

Good luck.


I must tell you,based upon my experiences of OFF BHAH already, that it will take either an herculean effort supreme combat flying skills or a yellow streak to survive 17 hours. The AI are lethal.

Don't take my word for it. You 'll see.



... The AI are lethal.

I hope there is some game balance here, and range of AI experience though.

We all appreciate a good challenge, but if they are all uniformly lethal, then where's the fun?

There should be a mix of ducks and hawks...

I dont have P2 anymore due to an HDD format :faint:. So P3 is like...

Well It is gonna be so good that I cant even describe it :ernae:
I hope there is some game balance here, and range of AI experience though.

We all appreciate a good challenge, but if they are all uniformly lethal, then where's the fun?

There should be a mix of ducks and hawks...


Oh, Venator, if you prefer there most certainly is a mix . It is just my personal preference to fly full real.

I am sure you will enjoy it.



i will join in, playing "hard" in a way to really see how far i'd come. But i will have to wait - apart of being a bit tight usually in january due to all those credits for house etc. i have so much work to do until february :wave:
And i will have to buy a new monitor as well, i guess it will be a Samsung. My Iyama CRT just conked out, and repairing it will be almost the price of a new TFT.
Ok, so let's say beginning Feb.1st, you start a new pilot, ( after June 1918), and only fly this pilot once per day, ( 7 x per week), lets see who gets to the 17 hour mark first

Sounds like fun. I'm in. I will be extra impressed by the first person to do it on full realism using no aids of any kind (no labels, no TAC, no map, etc etc).
... if you prefer there most certainly is a mix. It is just my personal preference to fly full real.

Maybe something is lost in translation here, but isn't a mix of green pilots and aces, and all other levels of experience in between, "full" reality???


No you are quite right.Real life would include a mixture of abilities potentially.



I'll certainly give it a go,

(providing i stay alive long enough) - those Huns keep turning my old crate into swiss cheese
Anyone would think that they dont like me or something!!! :gameoff:
Maybe something is lost in translation here, but isn't a mix of green pilots and aces, and all other levels of experience in between, "full" reality???

Quite right so lets say you had only 10 hours in a training craft, and 2 in the one you are about to fly in real life. You would last how long when you meet up against a good squad of the enemy?

So given in OFF you may have previously actually flown 20 flight sims for 2000 hours before and had 300 pilots in OFF ;) now you are entering the war as a veteran...

MOST of us would not have gotten far in RL.

On your point lets say day 1,2 you meet no enemy.. good.
Day 3,4 you meet a bunch of rookies.. all is well 1 kill great.
Day 5 you meet Jasta 11...

I rest my case ;)

Seriously if you find it too hard then you have settings in workshops to make it easier ..

I love to jump into the fight so die lots, you decide if you want to dip your toes in occassionally and try to stay alive... or just jump in for the fun.

BTW British great idea for a thread!
17 Hours? No problem

As long as i'll stay in the Womens auxiliary balloon corps :icon_lol:
I'll do it, but why after June 1918? More equally matched? No worries of Fokker Scourges? With a DVII, I must say I feel rather unstoppable!

Something tells me P3 will be a brick wall in my plans though!
June 1, 1918

No, it's not my birthday, rather the time frame provided for aircraft,from each country, that were quite capable, and there also would be a consistency in the action.

Certainly it will be interesting to see how it goes. I will post some game parameters as we get closer. I'll also put up a:


