New Convert to X-Plane

Jim Goldman

Charter Member
Hi Guys:

Just stopping by to say hello and introduce myself.... I am Jim Goldman and I am a X-Plane convert.

Now to explore Aircraft design using Blender :)


Hi Jim and welcome. I haven't touched X-Plane in a couple of weeks, I need to get back into it. April was a busy month.

Hey Jim,

Welcome aboard.

Its a cool sim with massive amounts of potential. They really need some nice planes over there.

I wish there was an easy way to make planes for XP9. I looked all over. I am sure there is a way to get Gmax files into blender or their aircraft maker program. I have been so busy with updates and finishing planes that I havent had a chance to experiment with models in blender yet.

One things for sure, I think it might be easier. Definately easier then FSX, lol..

Hi Jim and Bill:

Thank you for the welcome, hope I can contribute to X-plane as I have to MSFS.....

Bill I will try to catch up with you one of these days to chat a while.. maybe through Skype if possible.

Best to all.
