New cpu old gpu


Charter Member
I have a couple of questions regarding Prepar3D. First can I play this sim with a new 4790k z97 motherboard combo using my old asus 460 gpu or should I wait till I have the money to purchase a new nivida 900 series card in a few months. The second question I have do I need a clean install of fsx for Prepar3D to function.
In the case of the GPU. . .unless it has at least 2gig onboard, you won't be happy with it. Hold off for the new GPU. As for FSX clean install....not sure what that has to do with installing P3D.
Falcon it is a 1gig card. Thank you for such a fast response. I am looking forward to Prepar3D and letting go of fsx.
. . . .I am looking forward to Prepar3D and letting go of fsx.
The reason I question the clean install for FSX is because it sounded like you assumed FSX was necessary for P3D to run. Of course that's not the case they are two separate sims, completely different and one is not needed for the other to function at all. P3D_V2.4 is the best I've seen so far and Lockheed/Martin is constantly improving it. There is no comparison any more between P3D and FSX. FSX is now the "other" sim.
Falcon for some reason I thought it was like cfs3 and maw or pto . I am going to delete FSX and say goodbye to it.
Olaf, I'd definitly also upgrade the gpu. LM transferred many operations, even effect rendering, to the gpu in the meanwhile. I have a GTX660 card and I see it almost maxed with processor load and even gpu memory (2GB) when running P3D V2.4. I never saw that on P3D 1.4 or FSX.

I'll also switch to a Nvidia 900 series 4gig gpu later in the year.
