New effects for the P-40m by Major Magee


Charter Member
Thanks to Master Magee for this beautiful bird..

Master Renatus, at my request added Nav lights to Her..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Wow the colors!
:jump: :jump:
Here is the new XDP for those who might want this ..
Thanks to Master Andy, and Master Renatus for this work..
:wavey:Great :medals::medals: effects Owen they all work great, except the cannon is not in the select ordinance comand when in flight.:salute:
:wavey:Great :medals::medals: effects Owen they all work great, except the cannon is not in the select ordinance comand when in flight.:salute:
Wow Len,
I haven't had any problems with this.. The P-40m doesn't have cannons, just good old 50 cal. browning machine guns..
Owen: :salute:Here's that P40m and its loadout, shame can't fire cannons:mix-smi:

View attachment 82977View attachment 82978

WOW! I didnt notice this, perhaps Major Magee might be able to shed some light on this..
Andy built the skin the P-40m, and John added the nav lights..

I just asked John to set up the nav lights for the P-40m from Andy..
I started PTO and loaded the aircraft without any problems, so I guess this loadout isn't a issue ??
That's just an unfortunate artifact of the P-40K this model was based on. If I'd have been paying more attention I would have deleted those entries.

the special canons are from me. The name is " Antitank Wolfs Cannon ".

I gave it to Owen. He has the 3 Weapon Files!


Here are the weapons files I have, for this P-40m weapon..Didn't realize I had this..:isadizzy:

I am sorting through many files right now and getting MUCH work done.
I am working on setting up for a massive load-in from a Master to ensure his work is shared and safely stored..
and Burning 20 DVDs for storage
Takes a hour to burn a DVD on my machine, Please bear with me as I do this..

I am pretty sure this isn't a stock weapon..:icon_lol:
One of those wonderful things developed for a "What if" kind of thing..:applause:
:wavey:Not much into the super mods in most of this myself also, it's just an what if thingy, those cannons would most likely rip the wings off a P40:icon_eek:
I have finished a couple of missions in PTO for this, started them before Master Talon said he could do a historical set..
I like all I do look forward to..:applause:

If any would like the two missions I placed together let me Know and I will send them out..
Thanks to Major Magee, and Talon for this..:applause: