New ETO Fog Weather


Charter Member 2011
We are putting together several new weather files for ETO for January release or some may be released with mission packs between now and then. All of the new fog weather files have excellent FPS.With the new weather there are also a lot of other new effects that will be released. Eto will just get better and better.

We hope to capture the real feeling of flying in the English weather during WW 11.

bunch of frame rate suckers...damn I have to get a better machine
We hope to capture the real feeling of flying in the English weather during WW 11.


As a declared fan of weather and sceneries, I'm curious.

How do you do the research on how was the weather at that time? Is it an

inference from the weather nowadays? Is there other source of info?

Thank you and good work!:d:applause:

As a declared fan of weather and sceneries, I'm curious.

How do you do the research on how was the weather at that time? Is it an

inference from the weather nowadays? Is there other source of info?

Thank you and good work!:d:applause:



We are using actual combat reports by pilots that describe the weather (ceilings, fog, etc) I have not built a lot of rain weather yet as we want to improve on the droplets.

We have also added red ranging flak bursts as described in reports and smoke generators (smoke drums). there will be more.

PS: Forgot to add that I am also a pilot and have been flying for 40 years and I draw a lot from my own experiences both VFR and IFR.

PS: Forgot to add that I am also a pilot and have been flying for 40 years and I draw a lot from my own experiences both VFR and IFR.



Not necessary to remind us of that!!:jump: Oh, I really would like to do it someday...:d