New ETO v1.4 Config Settings under CFS3 Other


Charter Member
Seven modified xml files, experimental, intended to enhance your viewing pleasure. Includes configoverrides, scenery and texture budgets, texture cache budgets, etc.

Give them a try. I'd love to know if there are versions you like more, be great if you would upload 'em too.

Only tested in ETO.

For details see the Readme.


Tried it on my win7 O/S. Did not have the texturecachebudgets,xml in my original setup, got an ConfigOverrides file is out of date message so I had to delete the file from the appData and let the game generate a new one wich I had to modify to my liking.
Once that was done the game worked fine, the specular effects are great! Cant wait to dig more into the game and findout what other variation these changes made.

GOOD WORK !:ernae:
Thank You!! :applause:
I will try all of this in my Win 7 "J" computer..
I am learning to set up a Win 7 for CFS3 and the expansions..
And this will be a great help, indeed!
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Tried it on my win7 O/S. Did not have the texturecachebudgets,xml in my original setup, got an ConfigOverrides file is out of date message so I had to delete the file from the appData and let the game generate a new one wich I had to modify to my liking.
Once that was done the game worked fine, the specular effects are great! Cant wait to dig more into the game and findout what other variation these changes made.

GOOD WORK !:ernae:

Hi gosd,
good to hear that its working in Win 7 - although as an integrated package it would be good to know how the proper configoverrides work with everything else.

Some of the changes are only noticeable in campaign play - your wingmen will get a promotion and better accuracy.

:icon29: for you too
Thank You!! :applause:
I will try all of this in my Win 7 "J" computer..
I am learning to set up a Win 7 for CFS3 and the expansions..
And this will be a great help, indeed!
:salute: :salute: :salute:

hope it does it for you in Win 7! I suspect its the shaders file that gives the good specular effects. Its actually a bit much in Win XP - I get very glossy airplanes :icon_lol: . Hope you can trial the config settings as intended per the configoverrides file.

Tried it on my win7 O/S. Did not have the texturecachebudgets,xml in my original setup, got an ConfigOverrides file is out of date message so I had to delete the file from the appData and let the game generate a new one wich I had to modify to my liking.
Once that was done the game worked fine, the specular effects are great! Cant wait to dig more into the game and findout what other variation these changes made.

GOOD WORK !:ernae:

:wavey:Had same thing happen in win XP Pro :ernae:gosd thanks for fix :ernae: Wonder! Will this work in BOB or ETO RS?
:wavey:Had same thing happen in win XP Pro :ernae:gosd thanks for fix :ernae: Wonder! Will this work in BOB or ETO RS?

Hi Old Tiger, in principle these should work for any install but have only been tested in ETO. Other installs will have their textures set up differently, so the shaders and density budgets will be more or less noticeable. The pilot constants will be problematic as it defines a range of countries for which you can fly - this tends to be unique to the theatre but is not hard at all to tweak so it matches the xml in the campaign folder which controls nationalities for missions and QC. In ETO in the Campaigns folder, the file setting up the nationalities is NEK_ETO.xml. There will be an equivalent file in the other installs like PTO for example.

What happened in XP Pro - were things a bit shiny? That will be the shaders.xml file, the only one that needs to be adjusted.
Thankyou very much David, works fine and puts a lot of shine on the aircraft and the whole thing a lot sharper.

Just to let you know my cranky Win8 (it makes its own settings on CFS3 at times) didn't like the configoverides.xml, gave 'configoverides out of date' flag and would't let me reset; so got it to run with previous file back in.
It also seems to give some strange flightpath/pathway effects on the ground when you crashland, a Hurri, say. [Win8 might be reacting with 'Drop Tanks' and gun sound too; but have to run it a bit more]. Curious, but leaving it all in 'cause overall the clarity is Great!

Put Clive's 'Bloom effect' in also, before yours. Cheers!
I suspect its the shaders file that gives the good specular effects. Its actually a bit much in Win XP - I get very glossy airplanes :icon_lol: . David

Hi David

I didn't think that the specular effects worked in CFS3 when you have an ATI video card and Windows XP, but with that shader file it does! :applause:
But I agree that it's a bit much, is it possible to turn it down slightly?

When I tested your files I got lower frame rate about 20-30 and I usually have 30-40, so I replaced your ConfigOverrides with my old one.
But it didn't help.
I have used your budgets from Meshbuilderbudgets_v2 previously.

Hi David

I didn't think that the specular effects worked in CFS3 when you have an ATI video card and Windows XP, but with that shader file it does! :applause:
But I agree that it's a bit much, is it possible to turn it down slightly?

When I tested your files I got lower frame rate about 20-30 and I usually have 30-40, so I replaced your ConfigOverrides with my old one.
But it didn't help.
I have used your budgets from Meshbuilderbudgets_v2 previously.


Hi von O,
I was trying the HDR bloom with my setup yesterday, it didn't seem to go well with it, but what I found (with an LED/LCD 24" monitor) was that adjusting the monitor settings (good adjustability with the buttons on the monitor) produced some very pleasing results. If you are able to make adjustments at least to brightness and contrast while CFS3 is running, then you can probably tone down the shine that the shaders.xml file is giving.

That shaders.xml is probably designed to achieve just that result - overcome the deficiences of ATI cards with the specular effects of CFS3.

In terms of the frame rate, I think the config setup is designed to render all the scenery textures at their natural values, without reducing texture sizes or anything. There are also changes to the z-buffers inspired by some old threads. I get more photo-realistic scenery/terrain textures, and a framerate of over 50fps (limited by setting a synch paramter which matches frame rate to monitor refresh rate using NVidia control panel)..I.e., my graphics card handles the settings very well.

Are you experienceing the lower frame rates when using all the xml files, including the budgets files in my package?

Thanks for all the feedback, I find it very interesting how different everyone's experience is. It just goes to show how much work it is for everybody to get their settings at the best they can be. There is always something else you can try which will amaze you with the results. I cannot get over how much better CFS3 looks in 2013 than it looked when I bought it for Christmas 2004! :icon_lol:
Hi von O,
Are you experienceing the lower frame rates when using all the xml files, including the budgets files in my package?

Yes, I'll simply revert back to your old budgets from Meshbuilderbudgets_v2.
I'll also try the HDR Bloom files without your shader file.
