New fictional repaint available for the AFG Kingair 300.


Charter Member
I finally got around to putting the fictional Golden Mountain Dog Solutions repaint for the AFG Kingair 300 up on my downloads page at

If you're a dog loving flight simulator pilot, have at it and enjoy! Many thanks to Markus for his helpful comments and observations while this was a work in progress.


Great looking repaint! Thanks for the heads up, TigerPackLeader.


For anyone that hasnt downloaded the Kingair 300, it is a must for any hanger of fans of turboprops and twins. One awesome, excellently made model package. The interior and VC controls will blow you away. I have logged a ton of time in this plane..

For anyone that hasnt downloaded the Kingair 300, it is a must for any hanger of fans of turboprops and twins. One awesome, excellently made model package. The interior and VC controls will blow you away. I have logged a ton of time in this plane..


I'll drink to that! Then again, I'll drink to just about anything.:icon29:
Great job there, Randy! :applause:
Glad to be helpful.

Too bad that I'm currently logging flight hours at the opposite side of the globe, but once I'll return to the icy parallels, I already know which aircraft I'm going to use...
