New Fla. Scenery


Just loaded this up. Very well done with a lot of eye candy. Includes four ai aircraft and traffic file.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Scenery FS2004 Scenery--Pine Shadows Airpark
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Name: Size: 3,764,691 Date: 10-19-2009
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Scenery--Pine Shadows Airpark (94FL) is a gated community located in Ft. Myers, Florida, near Sanibel and Ft. Myers Beach, FL. The airpark features a 3200 foot paved and pilot controlled lighted runway with fuel available to residents on site. Woodstock Airport (FL86), was acivated 11/01/1975. The airport covers 15 acres. It is privately owned. Woodstock is located in the state of Florida, in Lee County, in the city of Fort Myers. It has one runway, 09/27, running 2000 feet in length and 100 feet in width. The runway surface is a combination of portland cement concrete, grass and sod. Created using Instant Scenery by John B. Loney, Jr.
My parents and brother live at Fort Myers Beach in Florida and I just returned from a visit there. I didn't even know about this. Thanks, it will make a great addition to my FS9. :)
Thats interesting because I was just cruising from Sarasota-Bradenton international to Ft Meyers down the coast. I was getting errors in FS9 and it kept closing so I dont know what the problem is.

I will download this and try it out. Thanks for posting.
Nice find Terry, grew up in Florida and have been to Sanibel Island many times. Now if someone would do Hidden Lake in Pasco County?

Mike :monkies: