New freeware CA-13 Boomerang


Retired SOH Admin
Akemi has just released his CA-13 Boomerang for CFS2. I have downloaded it, installed it into my GW Military install. The plane is NICE! The VC is more than usually seen in a CFS2 plane....though not clickable as that is not supported in CFS2 so don't go getting your hopes up. The modeling is nice all around. The plane would not take off from the ground, so I slewed it into the air to check it out and had to give it TONS of up trim. Many CFS2 planes are nose heavy in FS2004 for some this was not a surprise. Will see what I can do about getting the plane more balanced. Have not really put the plane through a complete crash test session YET...but I will once I get the balance issue corrected to my satisfaction.

Here are some pics and the link to find the's the last one on the page:


Noze down .. my quick solution

Modified air file (attachement)

You need some trim up for take off (flaps not really necessary)
I have a numeric trim gauge and set between +10 or +15 (over a scale of + -50) it's OK
In flight full speed the trim will be + - neutral position.
Thanks for the HU. I look forward to trying this out, as its a relative of the T-6 and I used to love flying the Aeroplane Heaven example......must remember to dig that out and try that again sometime!!

Best wishes,

Working on the panel and config files. Getting the proper amounts of fuel in basically the proper places, adding VC and nav lights, effects. Panel now has a radio stack, GPS, engine and fuel management pop up and the obligatory CD Player. Swapped out the fuel gauge for a proper left-center-right one.

Using Claudius's air file and with the tweaks I have done to the fuel placements...the plane needs a bit of up trim on take off and until she gets up to speed...then she needs a bit of down trim.

Air speeds need reduced a bit. At 2500 feet, 25 pounds manifold pressure and prop RPM pulled back to 2200, the plane was "cruising" along at 250 mph....about 60 mph more than the real cruising speed of the Boomerang and only 55 mph less than the max speed. Real cruise speed is 190 mph and real max is 305. Need to see if I can get those speeds down a bit by adding in a Flight Tuning section and putting some resistance on the fuselage.

Need to copy a Radio section into the config file as well.

I've gotten it within 12 knots of the cruise speed at 25 pounds manifold and 2300 RPM on the prop...still a tad hot at 177 knots. Max is just a tad under the real max....254 instead of 265..but that is with a full load of fuel so it isn't that far off I suppose. I suppose that is close enough to the read deal....definitely a lot better than it was out of the package. If I keep this up, I might actually learn a few things about flight dynamics.

Need to redo the nav lights and get them into proper position. Panel mods are done...should be uploading the tweak package tomorrow or Friday...Wednesday and Thanksgiving Day I will be too busy to even think about the sim.

Prop mods are going to be a different ball game with this bird. There are two prop for the front of the prop, one for the back. Akemi did something unusual with the prop blur on this plane....he made it 3D. Usually, when you look at a plane from the side with the engine running, you just see a thin slice where the prop blur is. Not on the Boomerang. It is thick at center and thins toward the you are looking at a real prop from the side. And to make things a bit more unusual, both prop blurs are on the same texture sheet. Sure it can be done....but it's going to take a bit more work than usual creating prop blurs for this plane.

I just uploaded the tweak package for this plane. I included the tweaked air file by Claudius24...hope that is okay Claudius. Config and panel files tweaked and loaded. This does not include the plane...just the files needed to enjoy it in FS2004.

Thanks OBIO and Claudius! Akemi's models are always very nice!

Could you make a similar package for Akemi's Ki-61 Tonys? They look great, but are hardly flyable in FS2004 as well.

All we need now is a Morton repaint and a Banana Bob or Cazzie prop mod ...

Great find OBIO! Mike :applause:

I'm working on it. The prop textures are DXT1 with no Alpha, usually hard to do because of model file limitations.

I also need to get rid of that anime face! :isadizzy:

Otherwise, a super model. :applause::icon29:

Good fine OBIO.

Need to get that whistling sound into the sound wrapper OBIO. I'm looking for substitute sound now. Thanks for the .air file claudius. It took forever on the take-off run, landing was easier. Actually the default propwash is livable, but it needs some Gaussian Blur to get the spots out in the VC view.

Okay, here's where I am so far. The new propwash is attached below in a zip, it contains a new reticle image too.

I am not going to say it is better than the default propwash, but if you feel that way, by all means you are free to use it. Make a BU of the default in case you wish to go back. Also, add the following lines to the aircraft.cfg after "kb checklists="


This will make the Boomerrang show up under Commonwealth and not in unspecified aircraft and give the prop added animation at set throttle and RPM.

I also got rid of the anime face. Okay, so he is not the best looking fellow, but he is all I had to work with at the time! :icon_lol:

I adopted LawDog's Dauntlass sound into my package. The Boomerang used a P & W R1830 and the Dauntlass used an R1820. I am sure when OBIO finds time in his frantic maneuvers, he'll do it up right.

Claudius, your new model file did wonder on take-off. Your hint on adding up trim worked to OBIO. :applause:




Lawdog's sound pack for the Stuka has a set up to hear the sirens when diving.....I will take a look at the coding for that as see if I can modify it to incorporate the whistle of the Boomerang. I have just put the finishing touches on a teaked and OBIOized R-1830 sound pack...that will be the basis for the Boomerang's sound pack.

...note to self....package and upload the new R-1830 package with single, twin and quad sound config files.

Thanks OBIO.

I forgot to drop the new pilot texture in the last attachment zip. It's below with a new propwash. Whiting out the spinners was a no-no in case any of you haven't seen. the new wash also displays the yellow tips better. There is no way to get rid of the disk, tried every way I know, must be keyed to the .mdl file in some way.

I just uploaded the tweak package for this plane. I included the tweaked air file by Claudius24...hope that is okay Claudius. Config and panel files tweaked and loaded. This does not include the plane...just the files needed to enjoy it in FS2004.


When this has all the polish put on it i.e., sounds, etc, do you plan on
zipping it all up and posting it? I viewed the youtube video and that
plane sure does have a whistling sound.

Pls let us know when she is available for D/L. Thanks. :applause:

BTW what is the file name of the tweaked package?
Here's a link to the tweak package I uploaded:

This package contains just the tweaked air and config files and a tweaked panel config file (or maybe not...can't remember if I tweaked the panel or if I included the tweak).

Once I get around to the sound file for this plane, it will be uploaded here. I will not be uploading a full package of the plane as I do not have permission to upload the original files...

Lawdog's sound pack for the Stuka has a set up to hear the sirens when diving.....I will take a look at the coding for that as see if I can modify it to incorporate the whistle of the Boomerang. I have just put the finishing touches on a teaked and OBIOized R-1830 sound pack...that will be the basis for the Boomerang's sound pack.

...note to self....package and upload the new R-1830 package with single, twin and quad sound config files.


I found your sound files but they are unavailable for D/L.
Can you repost? I have almost all I need to make this
boomer fly and all I need is your sounds. Thanks
Which sound pack are you needing? I need to go through my uploads and see which ones are broken and re-upload any that don't work.

Thanks OBIO and Claudius! Akemi's models are always very nice!

Could you make a similar package for Akemi's Ki-61 Tonys? They look great, but are hardly flyable in FS2004 as well.

he does do great models:applause:
i did some air files a long while ago
i will have to see where they are
thanks for the HU