New freeware Cessna 140


Another "low and slow flyer".... over at flightsim:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 General Aviation
FS2004 Cessna 140

[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 14,180,118
Date: 03-30-2012

FS2004 Cessna
140. This flight model was created by Brian Gladden. All other updates were
added by David Grindele.

That is Brian's original C140 with some tweaks done by the uploader. Not a new 140. I have flown Brian's C140 for many many hours and know that plane inside and out.....nothing new from Brian in that package.

That is Brian's original C140 with some tweaks done by the uploader. Not a new 140. I have flown Brian's C140 for many many hours and know that plane inside and out.....nothing new from Brian in that package.


Thanks for pointing that release out.

I just downloaded it and nowhere does it say that it is my original aircraft model, except on the page listing and file_id.diz......

Looks like a e-mail to the Flightsim admins to get it pulled is an order. The moron didn't even include my original read me.

Instead, I find this...

: Legal Notice:

The files within this compressed file are the properties of the FSLightman and are not to be sold traded for monetary gain or added to a CD, DVD or any Copying de-
Vice. The files within are free to the public and are not to be uploaded to any site
That requires a fee to download the files from the FSLightman.
All textures, Light Codes and add-on’s are the sole properties of the FSLightman, All flight models That were used may also have other restrictions in place concerning copyrights and Retain there rights to said aircraft or creations.

Copyright Pursuant: Article: 17 U.S.C. §101. & 17 USC §106(5).
Violators will be prosecuted under these laws.

Thank You For Your Cooperation
Captain Dave
The FSLightman LTD

Does that have my name anywhere?????????

This is the copyright information from my readme...

Copyright info:Copyright December 2002 by Brian GladdenAll files except for the Mooney Bravo gauge (Copyright Microsoft) are the sole property of Brian Gladden and may not be uploaded to any website without his permission. The only exception to this is for repaints which is allowed without prior notification but must be textures only. I only ask that you send me a copy of the repainted textures.
This guy needs a major slap on the hand. One of his other uploads contained not only his so called light magic, but also all the files from Shockwave by the looks of it. I did send an e-mail to on that one to make them aware of it.


This guy has also uploaded your Volpar as part of one of his packages. And he has uploaded a number of Mike Stone's developments...and I know that Mike has a definite NO UPLOAD policy on his work.

I sent an e-mail to the webmaster at bringing these facts to their attention and recommending that they review all of his uploads and remove the vast majority of them.

This guy needs a major slap on the hand. One of his other uploads contained not only his so called light magic, but also all the files from Shockwave by the looks of it. I did send an e-mail to on that one to make them aware of it.


More like a major punch in the mouth by the looks of things. What the heck is going on over at Flightsim? A week or so ago, it was a hack of Alphasim's DeHavilland Caribou... now this. I had no idea that something was amiss when I started this thread, and I had downloaded the model thinking it was legit. After reading this, I have since deleted it. I seem to have lit up yet another fire storm and since Flightsim seems to have issues with recognising copyright privileges as well as potential hacking, (as in the case with Alpha's Caribou), I will no longer post any news regarding uploads at Flightsim. That should put a lid on it.

BTW -- I was just over at Flightsim and at 0630 hours MDT, (That's Mountain Daylight Time, for those of you in the cheap seats), The files for both FSX and FS9 versions of Brian's Cessna 140 are still up.

Glad you chaps are more knowledgable than I am and are able to spot inaccuracies and potential piracy quickly. I would have never known until I had unzipped the file, and installed it.... Brian, If I caused you any grief by starting the thread here about your Cessna 140 being "new" over at Flightsim, I apologise for that. To think that the guy had the nerve to list your work as "his" property. Well, nuf' said

Not anymore...

The file you have selected was not found. If you believe this to be an error,
please send a message to the Webmaster
Please use the back button on your browser to return.
I don't think did anything wrong in this or the Caribou case. Things will always slip by no matter how tight you make the net. We the end users complain if it takes the major sites a few extra hours to release an upload that we're expecting.
i have the utmost respect for Nelson and his folks and at every instance if there was any doubt about something it has been fixed immediately.

We the end users simply need to be vigilant and help recognizing the bad apples and take them out of the barrel.

I just sent another e-mail to the folks at I downloaded one of the packages this guy uploaded...not only did it contain the files from a freeware developer who has a strict NO UPLOAD also contained the entire Shockwave 3D Lights package.

Seems that as soon as one is taken down, this guy uploads another. I'm sure the Flightsim folks will get things resolved, from what I have read of Stefan's comments above. Flightsim is only one of three sites that I download from. Maybe not so much now... but when FS9 was in it's prime, Flightsim was a mainstay for me.

Just out of curiosity, I grabbed the Maltby BAC-1-11 that Grindele uploaded, as I am very familiar with that particular plane. From David's site, the complete aircraft is less than 25Mb; the Flightsim upload is almost 50Mb.

Surprise surprise, it also contained the entire Shockwave 3D Lights package as well.

I think it's time that someone emailed A2A and let them know what is going on. Pirating freeware is scummy, but pirating payware is a crime.
I just fired an e-mail to the folks at A2A letting them know the scoop.

I have had a couple contacts with Nels at over this issue....I am working to get these files taken be uploading freeware files against the developers' copyright policy is bad be including payware files is even worse.

I've just checked at Flightsim and this guy has 312 files to his name.

That's gonna take some checking to see how many are legit.

Easy enough to have that many files to your name if these are not of your own making!
What a m*r*n!

Easy enough to have that many files to your name if these are not of your own making!
What a m*r*n!

..and an indiscriminate m*r*n too...
he's done the same with HJG files, Cal Classics, anything he can find to use for self-glorification
Just checked one of his uploads. Not only does he include shockwave lights, but Carenado, Dreemfleet, and WOP .fx files as well. Makes NO mention of them in any read me! Download already deleted from my rig. He is very prolific and been at this a long time.
