New Freeware "FASTCATS" Sounds


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FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Sound FS2004/FSX Real P&W R-2800 Fastcats Sound Pack
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Name: Size: 19,162,063 Date: 01-11-2011
[SIZE=-1] FS2004/FSX Real P&W R-2800 Fastcats Sound Pack. High quality, Pratt & Whitney R2800 soundpack using authentic recordings only, exclusively for fast, twin engined aircraft: Tigercat, Invader, etc. This release is the response to test flying the truly remarkable Grumman F7 Tigercat by Milton Shupe. By Nigel Richards.[/SIZE]
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Tested the sounds and they are good ... :jump:

Video here:

Anyways .. I had to make some modifications in the aircraft.cfg for be realistic (for better synchronization)

Modifications in bold ......

number_of_magnetos = 2

rotation = 1, 1
Nigel informed me of this soundset. It is very nice and a little lighter in file size and depth and may be easier on your sound card then other more robust, higher quality sound sets. If you lack a good sound card or computer to run heavier sets, this should treat you well. They run and sound great on my system. :)
Re;New Freeware "FASTCATS" Sounds

Thankyou all for your encouraging words. Regarding the config. changes, this is something I often resort to in order to get things sounding 'on song'. Its also interesting to hear in real world aviation, the variation in sound between different aircraft using the same engine type.
The invader and tigercat being good examples... I'm still trying to capture the characteristic 'whistle' of the invader during a flypast.
If my own attempts have encouraged others to try their hands at sounds, then it has been worth the effort, as I believe this has been a somewhat neglected aspect of our hobby.
There's nothing worse than downloading a brilliantly engineered model, only to be aliaised to e.g. Dc-3 sounds! And thats no offence to Douglas fans...I'm one of them.
Variety, Gents, is what we need, VARIETY!
Best Regards, Nigel (Greece)
Really nice sounds Nigel;)
I find it very hard when making sounds to add whistles and whines. If an external windsound could be added to the cfg, then a whistle or whine sample could be used and would work very well, but i have tried and it doesn't appear to be recognised by the sim....Shame.

Keep em coming Mate.

Hi Gary,
Thanks for the kind words. It seems that great minds seem to be working on similar projects.
As for added sounds; whistles etc., these can be a headache! The Hawker Sea Fury springs to mind; what an aircraft and what a soundpack challenge! I have yet to hear a soundpack that comes anywhere near authenticy for this bird. I've been working on this aircraft as well as the P-51 Mustang for a couple of years. I've started toying with the idea of using effects and gauge files as an aid. Maybe we should be talking to the lads at fsdeveloper for help, they certainly know their stuff in this respect.
Downloading your twin PW pack today, I'm sure I wont be disappointed.
Best Regards, Nigel
The whistle sound does work okay when added in a manner that makes it audible at high rpm. I have it on Wozza's P-51 but don't remember where I got it. The trouble is you hear at run up and takeoff. What is needed is a gauge that turns it on based on airspeed. The siren on the Stuka is a good example, reduced throttle setting and high speed in a dive.
Well here's a funny little tidbit for ya, I blew the whistle sound myself into a microphone for Wozza'a P-51 sound. And, of course you'll hear it when you pin the throttle. That is where I adjusted the cfg for the sound to go. Isn't it cool how you can back off the throttle slightly and the whistle "goes away" but the RPM pitch doesn't change? Troublesome for some, fun for the rest of us.
"Well here's a funny little tidbit for ya, I blew the whistle sound myself into a microphone for Wozza'a P-51 sound. And, of course you'll hear it when you pin the throttle. That is where I adjusted the cfg for the sound to go. Isn't it cool how you can back off the throttle slightly and the whistle "goes away" but the RPM pitch doesn't change? Troublesome for some, fun for the rest of us."

Hi there Doug,
Yeah I tried farting in a bicuit tin once or twice, but just couldn't get the wav. to resemble a Bristol Centaurus.
Seriously though I did try using modified, high pitched jet whine with similar results for the Seafury at the high end. Good results but its still not 'there'. Troublesome can be fun!
Glad to hear of the creativity and rescoucefulness within our hobby... and even the occasional sharing of humour.
Well here's a funny little tidbit for ya, I blew the whistle sound myself into a microphone for Wozza'a P-51 sound. And, of course you'll hear it when you pin the throttle. That is where I adjusted the cfg for the sound to go. Isn't it cool how you can back off the throttle slightly and the whistle "goes away" but the RPM pitch doesn't change? Troublesome for some, fun for the rest of us.

Good tidbit! Have you tried siren sounds? :applause: Seriously wouldn't be nice to have the whistle or siren sound in the main sound folder and just add a guage to the panel.cfg of any aircraft you choose? There are members here that can make a gauge do nearly anything! Wish I could but I don't have a clue.
sirens for Terry

Hi there Terry,
If you want that siren or whistle sound, it's not that difficult really;
Your Curtiss Jenny already has such an effect; fx_Barnstorm2 this is the effect with the chickens flying in all directions. As I don't do much barnstorming I placed the effect in my Mustang;

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0 = 10, -1.4, 0, 1.73, fx_vclight_MUST
light.1 = 8, 5.3, 0, 0, fx_must_exhaust
light.2 = 9, -2.00, -17.9, 0, fx_Must_vapour
light.3 = 9, -2.00, 17.9, 0, fx_Must_vapour
light.4 = 2, -2.00, 0.9, 0, fx_Barnstorm2

then found the sound wav; barn_fx (fs SOUND folder), made a backup and found the sound I wanted for the Mustang. This was renamed; fx_Barnstorm2 and placed in fs sound folder.
As you may notice, the effect is a strobe, so when flying all we have to do to hear the effect is press the key and hey presto!
Not very scientific, I know, but it works. If you really want to expand on this why not try the guys over at where you'll find a lot of expertise and very friendly help.
Best regards, Nigel
Thanks Nigel, that would certainly work. But a gauge would make it automatic. I'll bet there is one out there it's just a question of finding it.
Yes... I thought these sounds were very good Nigel. Makes "Tiger-Kitty" GROWL! Thanks for posting them!

I am including Nigel's sounds in the F7F-3N night fighter package ... thank you Nigel. :jump:
:salute:THanks Milton, glad you like the sounds! I'm still playing with Invader sounds also, it would be nice to capture that characteristic 'grwhizzle' sound that the real bird makes during low passes.

Unfortunately no Invaders in my end of the woods (Greece) for first-hand recordings so I am regularly looking for third party rescouces(my consolation is that I am regularly buzzed by Canadair 215's low,low in pairs over my farm-and they appear to be creatures of habit, normally appearing from the tops of trees). Thats harder than it may seem...plenty of amateur material on U-Tube but often lacking in clarity. Perhaps some of you lucky folk in the States or the UK might have the opportunity. It would be great to pool a collection of authentic recordings for common use...many of these birds wont be around forever. It was pretty hard to obtain enough material for my 'Bristol Hercules' soundpack and I'm still not 100% satisfied.

Bye the way, my big 4's multi PW2800 for DC-6 fans will be ready in about 10 days!

Best Regards, Nigel:salute: