NEW! Freeware FS9 Embraer 312 Tucano


SOH Staff
Just spotted this at Flightsim - sweet!

FS2004 Embraer 312

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Name: Size: 17,965,747 Date: 03-25-2009
FS2004 Embraer 312. Complete package with the trainer "Tucano" T-27 used by AFA - Brazilian Air Force Academy and many others around the world. Includes AFA and EDA textures. No virtual cockpit. Panel and gauges by Paolo Dessani. Model, FDE and textures by J.E. Narcizo - RanchoJEN.

Cheers! Mike :applause:
Is this an older J.E. Narcizo/RanchoJEN model release, repainted (and re-paneled, apparently), repackaged as new?

I don't mind when someone improves on a designer's work, though it blurs the line between "original aircraft" and "textures" on some sites. It's particularly annoying when someone bundles just their repaint with essentially the original model/sounds/panel and uploads it as a new release.

That's enough of the soapbox for now...
The Last Modified date on the mdl file shows 3/21/2009, so I'd say this is a new release, or at least not just a repackage. I'm off to give it a fling now...
I like it! The only quibble I have is that after a full stop landing and takeoff, I couldn't retract the flaps or gear. I don't know if there's a gauge preventing that or if it's coded into the model. I'll have to have a look later tonight after work.

It's not as fast as the Simshed version, but that one is modeled after the license-built Shorts version, which may well have an upgraded powerplant.

Over all, I'd say this is a very nice product!

Edit - I just figured out why the flaps and gear wouldn't retract! "Pilot Error!" It's a t-prop, and after a Ctrl+E start, I forgot to switch on the generator - the batter was dead!:kilroy:
...It's not as fast as the Simshed version, but that one is modeled after the license-built Shorts version, which may well have an upgraded powerplant.

Afaik, the generic Tucano is equipped with a P&W PT-6A (750 hp), whereas the RAF demanded a Garrett TPE331-12B with 1100 hp.
Im experimenting with Piglets Tucano Config and air file. His FSX one is pretty good on flight dynamics. Maybe able to borrow or import some of those dynamics.
Finally got time to try it out - I love it - needs a Banana Bob prop treatment - other than that I am happy to have it!

Mike :wiggle::ernae:
I totally agree with adhockey and fsafranek. When I first saw it, I thought it was just a new panel with an old plane, even though the RanchoJEN Tucano is a real beauty (which I already have in my hangar). Anyway, I'm not about to waste 30 Mb of my download allowance for a package like this. Why couldn't the author just upload their new panel / texture / whatever ?
