NEW! Freeware FS9 Polikarpov Po-2


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FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Early Aircraft
FS2004 Polikarpov Po-2

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Name: Size: 24,938,924 Date: 03-29-2009
FS2004 Polikarpov Po-2 in four variants and different paints. VC only, no 2D panel. By Ralf Kreibich.

Image is not mine, came with the download.

Cheers! Mike :wiggle:
Thanks. I'll head on over and download it. Looks kinda neat with the cylinder jugs exposed like that.
Okay, I love the look, but when I fire it up, the throttle is either full open or closed. What's more, when I try to taxi and apply even the slightest differential braking, the plane immediately noses over (prop strike). What's more, when flying, the plane shakes up/down...

Any ideas for fixes?
Okay, I love the look, but when I fire it up, the throttle is either full open or closed.
I'm so sorry, you're right. The throttle in the VC doesn't work properly. I didn't notice this, and I have absolutly no idea what happened. But I think it's only a visual effect, you can use your joystick or your keyboard to change the rpm, it works, but the changes of your throttle position will not be shown in the VC.
What's more, when I try to taxi and apply even the slightest differential braking, the plane immediately noses over (prop strike)

You shouldn't brake because you cannot. There aren't brakes at this airplane.:wiggle: I added the differential brakes because otherwise it's impossible to taxi. To avoid a prop strike you could change the aircraft.cfg. Please look for the line
empty_weight_CG_position = 1.0, 0, 0
and change it to
empty_weight_CG_position = 0, 0, 0
It should make it a little bit better, but in this case flying at the night bomber will be more difficult because there's no elevator trimtab.

What's more, when flying, the plane shakes up/down...

It will shake if your speed is more than 140 kmph. (The maximum speed is 146 kmph - it's ridiculous :rapture:speed). It might be helpful to increase the pitch moment of inertia.
Please look for
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 2585
and change it to
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 9585
Now you will reach a topspeed of 160 kmph (ludicrous speed) without shaking.


Hello Ralf and thanks for the response! By the way, I posted this before I saw your thread about this being an unfinished project (mighty nice for being "unfinished").

At any rate I applied your changes and am still having a problem with the heavy nose...any other changes you might suggest?
Hello Ralf and thanks for the response! By the way, I posted this before I saw your thread about this being an unfinished project (mighty nice for being "unfinished").

At any rate I applied your changes and am still having a problem with the heavy nose...any other changes you might suggest?

It's a problem I couldn't find a right solution for. The airplane geometry is in my opinion strange, because the main gear position is behind the empty weight CG position. This CG position should be at wing centerline ¼ chord by microsoft's suggestion and so the position of the main gear became negative in aircraft cfg. Usualy the empty weight CG position should be between the main gear position and the tailskid, but in this case the tail ist to heavy.
You might move the empty weight CG position still backwards. In this case the nose will be less heavy, but the tail will go more down at the flight.
Normaly I don't use wheel brakes and I have to increase rpm very very careful especialy on grass. In my opinion it's necessary to touch down on the tail skid at first (like a glider) or to make a 3-point landing.
It might be necessary to make complete new flight dynamics and aircraft.cfg., but here in Germany we say: I'm at the end of my Latin...:faint:
I hope someone will find a better solution.
It might be necessary to make complete new flight dynamics and aircraft.cfg., but here in Germany we say: I'm at the end of my Latin...:faint:
I hope someone will find a better solution.

Take it easy Ralf! Take care! It's a real little gem, I think...


Thank a million, Ralf, for such a fine model. She's great fun to fly and, though I rarely use them, the VC is wonderful. For sure a winner.:applause:

Since nobody else is going to ask I guess it's up to me. ;) Ralf, who's the lovely lady in the picture in the cockpit?

Anyone know where the texture for the windscreens is or is it just in the mdl?