NEW! Freeware SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere


SOH Staff
Weird looking craft, get it at Flightsim.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Other Aircraft
FS2004/FSX SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere

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Name: Size: 9,649,309 Date: 03-30-2009
FS2004/FSX SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere, complete package (SP2/Acceleration compatible), with full moving parts, animations, custom panel and a full virtual cockpit. The SNECMA C-450 Coleoptere was "tail-sitter" VTOL aircraft (Vertical Take Off and Landing) developed by the French Engine Manufacturer SNECMA in the 1950s. Using the concept of the "annular wing", it made its first flight on May 5th, 1959. Unfortunately, the test flights were stopped after an accident on 25 July 1959, even if the pilot was able to eject and to survive. By Patrice Grange

Cheers! Mike
How does it fly in FS ? Can anybody post some shots ?
EDIT: nevermind, saw the shots in the archive at Flightsim. :)
Love the coleoptere, maybe someone could do a 'POGO' someday...

See my at flightsim and simviation. It is a FS9 model with a VTOL gauge courtesy of Rob Barendregt. What is interesting the designer of the coleoptre appears to have done the same as I did with the Pogo; notably, designate the entire vehicle as a flap, then cut out the moving parts and make them children of the flap.
The coleoptre flies just like the Pogo did before Rob worked his magic.

Cheers, Paul