New FS2004/FSX Polikarpov I-15


SOH Staff
Just spotted this in the downloads at Flightsim ... A.F. Scrub's newest offering.

FS2004/FSX Polikarpov I-15

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Name: Size: 4,185,108 Date: 01-08-2010
FS2004/FSX Polikarpov I-15. The Polikarpov I15 was a highly manoeuvrable fighter. It had a small lower wing and large upper gull wing curved down at the roots to meet the fuselage. It gained a world altitude record before serving in very large numbers (about 550) in Spain, where it was dubbed Chato (flat-nosed). It even served against the Finns and Luftwaffe, but by 1937 it was being replaced by the I-15bis with a continuous upper wing carried on struts. This is a Polikarpov I-15, Nr46, leader aircraft of Group 26, piloted by Ivan Eriomenko commander of 1 Squadron between May and October of 1937. Gmax model by A.F. Scrub.

Mike :running: