New Kiwi


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Hello Folks :)
Thanks for having me in the hanger !
I'm a Kiwi with lifetime love of aviation.
Nothing gets me out the door faster than the sound of an aircraft,
especially an unusual sound. I grew up listening to the thrum of the DC3 as the only passenger plane in the sky.
The Saab that barrels over now just doesn't do it.
I am on a route that historic warbirds use sometimes, so big radials in small planes roar past occasionally
and the long lens stays on the camera. Even the odd Merlin crackles by...

View attachment 61030

These guys were in town last year and I went out to the airport for some pics.

View attachment 61031

Last flight was half empty so they asked if anyone wanted a free one...
Nearly broke my ankle springing forward :D

So anyway I was on FSHost the other day, cultivating some hope of aerial companionship
and lo and behold 2 DC3s and an Electra actually flying at the same place !

Hope to get online soon !
