New Maxtac Fire Bomber



Are any of these (or the original recip birds) flying in the states? I've seen pics of birds in Canada and , I think, Europe but not the US. Are they still building them?

I saw one at a local airshow a few years back. I remember it was in the yellow/red colors, but don't remember who the operator was.
Are any of these (or the original recip birds) flying in the states? I've seen pics of birds in Canada and , I think, Europe but not the US. Are they still building them?


According to the Bombardier website, the PT6A powered 415 is the only model currently in production.
Bombardier have dropped the old Canadair CL prefix; its just known as Bombardier 415 now,
Still on production list and powered by a PW120 series; not a PT6 variant.


Yep, you are right for the CL-415 name use. It is now Bombardier 415, but the plane is certified as CL-215-6B11. But, in France, we called them always Canadair or CL-415 as they were bought when this name was in use...

The engines are PW-123AF.

The type is no longer in production as the plant in North Bay, Ontario, had been dismantled.
The type is no longer in production as the plant in North Bay, Ontario, had been dismantled.

Not strictly true; North Bay was final assembly. Components manufactured in Montreal.
The order book was empty, further orders will be assembled in Montreal as and when needed.
Im off to Bombardier for recurrent training soon, Ill ask then.


I usually have a pair of these doing practice pick-ups and drops around my place, twice weekly, throughout the year.

Had a laugh, a year or 2 ago, when 1 of them approached the beach, switched off, and there was the intructor and student with legs dangling out of the hatch and having a quick smoke.

Miss the old cl-215s though - pair of them at a couple of hundred feet, listening to slight throttle/pitch changes on those big, throbbong P&W R-2800s is a heck of a sight and sound to behold. :wiggle:

EDIT: Great Spanish vid:

Awesome one for R-2800 nostalgia:
I have the 215 version of this model, using the sounds from my trusty ol' Harpoon that you did Nigel. Seems to fill the bill nicely.

As new as this announcement is, you can only speculate as to what name will be used. The current Twin Otter production retains the DHC-6 designation, so my guess would be that Viking will use either the original CL-415 or the more recent 415. Their website still hasn't even been updated to include the Super Scooper yet.

Oh, and thanks for the HU - I'm putting a link to this article in the Newshawks.
Good news about Viking. They seem to be doing pretty well with the Twotter. Not often in that an outfit can actually get an old bird back into production and make a financial go of it.
