New member. Ready to fly!



Hello all,

I just now joined this forum I found via google search :applause:! I am just now getting back into fs1 because my old joystick wouldnt work to my new computer. So I got a new joystick and i'm ready to go! I would really love to join some kind of game or fight. I am on the computer quite a bit when i'm not at school or playing golf so I have a lot of free time. If anyone has a good ip adress I could use to join a flight I would love it! Thanks guys and happy Thanksgiving! :icon31:

Right place wrong time.

~S~ J-Dog,

I guess you like to fly the P-51-Dog. The 45th flies on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7:00 pm Central Time Zone U.S., but today is Thanksgiving Day and no one is flying. We had a regular Saturday night thing going with a group from "Down-Under", but when we fell back a hour they sprang forward an hour, then one started singing on Saturday nights and I guess everything went South.

The AAC flies at 10:00 am Central Time Zone U.S., on Sundays with a heavy European contingent and the time was shifted just recently. I think that is the right time now. There should be a group there on Sunday.

If I might suggest, go to the AAC site:
Down load essential files, You will most likely need them If you want to fly Multi-Player.

While you are at it go to the ACP site and register. When there is a TS2 problem we use their TS2. You do not need to join any group, but If you want to use there TS2, you need to be registered and it is free.

You can check at Trade IP: Peacemakers.gif

And see if anyone has a game up. Keep in mind that it is a bad idea to post your IP anyplace, because of hackers.

Keep an eye on the post here and you should see what is going on and when.

Welcome aboard,
