Consider The Possibility Of Nuking London
I recently pulled Squiffy's VI into my install of PTO. I then substituted it for the Betty Bomber in the Guadalcanal Nigh Intercept mission. If I fail to intercept the V1 it basically just drops itself on the airbase, and explodes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="intercept" Country="USA" Aircraft="p38ja" Airbase="Sol1" Date="8/15/1943" Time="12:00" Multiplayer="y" MultiplayerOnly="n"/>
<Title>Guadalcanal Nightfighter Intercept</Title>
<SubTitle>Semi Historical: On the night of August 15, 1943 Lt. Henry Meigs, Jr flying a P-38 was scrambled from Henderson Field to intercept an incoming V1. The V1 was caught in the base searchlights and was quickly flamed.</SubTitle>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="intercept" Country="USA" Skill="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9062" Type="p38ja" PilotFirstName="Lt Henry" PilotLastName="Meigs Jr" IsPlayer="y" Skill="1"/>
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*24'59.9998"" Lon="E160*1'45.8100"" Alt="0.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="intercept" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*19'54.1201"" Lon="E160*0'5.0876"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="intercept" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*20'58.7372"" Lon="E159*59'5.5544"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="y" Lat="S9*27'48.2053"" Lon="E160*4'2.2665"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*24'59.9998"" Lon="E160*1'45.8100"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<AirFormation ID="6001" Directive="strike" Country="Japan_IJN" Skill="2" Payload="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9063" Type="v1" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="5002">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="186.469993591309" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*13'38.9095"" Lon="E159*51'20.3234"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="186.469993591309" IsWarpable="y" Lat="S9*20'59.3102"" Lon="E159*59'0.7433"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="bombing" Speed="186.469993591309" IsWarpable="y" TargetID="9011" Lat="S9*24'59.9998"" Lon="E160*1'45.8100"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="186.469993591309" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*29'46.8468"" Lon="E159*51'51.2888"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Facility ID="9061" Type="searchlights_airbase_single1" Lat="S9*25'0.0036"" Lon="E160*1'45.8100"" heading="0" Country="USA"/>
Once I had that working I made another version with the V1 carrying the Littleboy A-Bomb payload. If you miss the intercept on the first pass you really can't get far enough away in time to avoid getting fried.