New Missions and Facilities with new Figures


Charter Member
Hi all Fighters,

I want to finish the new facilities and new missions for German Westfront the first screenshots you have seen.

Ineed for this figures of officers with the right uniforms. Can we manage and solve this problem in our community ?!

There are very nice figures and buildings in m3D I know. Can we transfer them perhaps with Gmax in CFS3 ?

There should be a special software for this. That would be a big step forward for CFS3 !!



I have Phillipe Backes cfs2 crew and permission to use them, I have converted some into RAF types already for the BoB install.

I don't have time to do anything else with them but if anyone else does I can send the gmax models.

There's pics of the originals here:

In the BoB install:


I don't have any skill with gmax, sorry to say..

But if someone was free and willing that had this skill.
These all would be great additions to our Beloved CFS3 and Expansions..
And for use in missions these could add a new level to the set ups..

Hopefully someone will have the skill and time to do this, at some point..

The truth is there are a FEW doing the work for many..
More Masters in g max would be a blessing but this does require a Great amount of time and commitment ..

The few Masters we have, do their very best for all, without Question..
And I am grateful for ALL of them ..

:salute: :salute: :salute: