New Missions Out for testing


Charter Member
I Have sent out a New set of Missions from my Battle of Europe group,(BOE) to the Kind souls whom have agreed to help out.They are set in the Netherlands for ETO.. They are very Scenery Heavy and filled with action
Set for the Germans they will keep you busy and Lots of Eye candy..
When I hear back form the People who have them I shall post them for all to use.. I hope that they are as much fun for everyone has they have been for me to make..

if I have missed anyone whom wants to test them Please Let me know and i will e-mail them to you..


I have looked at your missions! Will they work in ETO Expansion? I have flown ETO missions and I am retricted to there a/c. What is the use of downloading a/c if they can't be used in the game?
THEY WORK IN ETO PERFECT HIS MISSIONS ..... in era1944 on the testers , really in any era , imho ....

but they work ... as is . assuming all the nessary files and proper install is such

long live the queen


ed there are no restrictions.the online MS server no longer exists.all online games are hosted by individuals.therefore, you can use any plane,as long as everyone has the same line you can use any plane you want without problems.if you don't like a plane in a mission you can swap it for another long as you have all the nessary files called on for a mission you can use eto missions in cfs3 or expansion.
I am very pleased to say I gotten back Wonderful advise from the testers..Thank You all VERY MUCH..
These are the first draft you can say..The Advise is MOST welcome, I will put in the inprovenemts I have been advised to do..And send the missions to those whom I missed the first time around..
I apologize to any one I missed..I shall be sending these to all whom requested to test.. I Shall get them out in a few minutes.And shall get the improvements added also today.
BRAVO to everyone for your very Kind advise and help..
I have to say the response has been GREAT.. with everyones' help these missions may well turn out to be alot of fun for all..
Oh for those whom spoted it Don't tell Ton, I misspelled Rotterdam..Opps..:ernae:
I have sent out the updated missions to all whom asked for them..Please try these they have been worked over alot..
I hope to get the rest for this set worked up also, I have several more including Allied, Bomber and Ground missions using tigers and Shermans..In the can..
As I get these worked up I shall sent them out also..
THEY WORK IN ETO PERFECT HIS MISSIONS ..... in era1944 on the testers , really in any era , imho ....

but they work ... as is . assuming all the nessary files and proper install is such

long live the queen


:ernae: Realy nice missions. They work just fine on my rig.

Thanx HH
I am glad to hear this, And when I get the final set up for these missions I shall post them, What I sent to you are the work -ups for the testers..Not the finished copies..As soon as i hear back from the wonderful group of people whom have concented to help me with their suggestions I will adjust the missions on their advice..It is still a work in progress..:ernae: