New on this forum Covergence Zone


Charter Member

After CF3 languished in a box for years I got a new puter and loaded it up. Ive been testing Allied planes in free flight and it appear that the convergence zone is about 250 yards out.

Now in IL2FB you can set the convergence zone. Mine is out at 700 meters.

In true MS style there is no setting that I can find (one reason I never messed with the Sim) . Nor do I believe the projectile drop factor that they are using.

I have been messing with the files in FS2004 since I got it. There must be a way to reset the guns performance in CFS3. A 2 second burst at 250 yards is impossible without colliding.

There is a famous gun camera shot of a ME109 shooting up a B-17. You have seen it a thousnd times. The pilot has time to walk the hits from the inboard engine to the wing root. It runs about 5 seconds and I would judge the pilot is about 700 yards out.
Target Distance

Good to have you on board. Setting convergence distance is not difficult at all as you were directed just go into the xdp file and make the necessary changes. Compared to IL2 this is a real chore, but it is what it is.

As far as target distance you can read about all different settings that were used by pilots. At night the usual distance was 75-150 meters. During the BOB with the 303 and the 7.92 rounds distance was less than 200 meters as the 303 (7.92) rounds were not very effective at greater distances. Many a story is available of pilots waiting until the reticule was filled with the silhouette of the enemy plane before firing and this distance was less than 100 meters. As the calibers increased so did the distance some pilots fired from.

Most Luftwaffe pilots feared the 50 caliber gun which was effective at about 950 meters so they were a bit careful, as the 13mm guns and 20mm cannons they used were most effective at distances less than 600 meters or so. Even the 30 mm cannons were not great at distances as their trajectory was very sensitive to distance due to the weight and velocity of the projectile. You should see the graphs the Germans had of the shell path for the 20 and 30 mm cannons it looks like a bell curve.

Again, good to have you here and hope you enjoy your stay.
Well, it's kind of academic because I have nothing that will open an XPD file.

I found I had a copy of Just Flight's BOB add on for CFS3. Version 1.0 doesn't seem to work. I wonder if there was a patch. No Germans.
Welcome aboard Roger. CFS3 needs time and patience to get into and to appreciate it's good points (of which there are many) and no it doesn't compare favourably to IL2 'out of the box'.

However if you're prepared to put some effort into setting it up the reward is a very, very good ww2 combat flight-sim.

As Nachtpiloten said, open up the xdp's with notepad, it's all there and moddable.


Pat :)
Little tip - if in doubt, use notepad for everything that isn't actually a model file (m3d) or scenery library file. If it works, set it to default.

Whenever you modify an xdp file, always delete the bdp file that will be there. It'll rebuild with the new information.
OK I gave all the Brit AC guns a 500yrd convergence zone (thge out of the box convergence zone of BOB II WOV). In IL2 if you shoot too close you can lose a wing, an engine, or your life from a collision with debris. Now I've modified the xpd files. But I'm supposed to delete the bdp file?

By the way, the Spitfires are all using 200 yards not 300 as the convergence zone out of the box???

I think I have Just Flight's BOB working. You have to tell CFS3 that Manston is there. The conventions of CFS3 seem to limit it more than even IL2. You don't get a vector (320 angels 20) just a bunch of way points to follow. So you have to snap on a full screen map.

I practiced ground attack most of yesterday. The ground is so comlpex its hard to see a target till your almost on top of it (unless it's the size of an airfield). If you throttle back you get shot up by AAA and if if you go flat out you can't line up on trucks or a Wespe (there's a Wespe on that map!), and it is easier to plow straight into the ground.

The Sybex guide Says you can use more than one Joystick but I don't see how. Unlike FS2004 there is no way to seperate controllers. The Throttle Quadrant (TQ would mean I don't have to reach across with my left to get to the Swinder to adjust the throttle) uses the same axes as the Sidewinder. The same goes for the Pro Peddals and its toe breaks. They simply interfer with one another. MS could surely have fixed that!
Roger that,and welcome Roger. Yes,and anytime you add a new model or change the model,trash the
current BDP file. On a new addon,some will have it,some wont and the "Builders" note will always
let you know if you need to.

I used to be intimidated by messing with files, but since dabbling with CFS3,Ive learned alot and
actually have fun with it! Hope you enjoy that new 'puter' and welcome! <<S>>

I practiced ground attack most of yesterday. The ground is so comlpex its hard to see a target till your almost on top of it (unless it's the size of an airfield). If you throttle back you get shot up by AAA and if if you go flat out you can't line up on trucks or a Wespe (there's a Wespe on that map!), and it is easier to plow straight into the ground.

Roger - either get the ETO expansion or else find and install Johnnos scenery from the SoH downloads section. It's a massive improvement in look and vision capability.

This is Johnnos scenery and the Blenheim 1F and RAF Scampton from the ETO expansion

The Sybex guide Says you can use more than one Joystick but I don't see how. Unlike FS2004 there is no way to seperate controllers. The Throttle Quadrant (TQ would mean I don't have to reach across with my left to get to the Swinder to adjust the throttle) uses the same axes as the Sidewinder. The same goes for the Pro Peddals and its toe breaks. They simply interfer with one another. MS could surely have fixed that

This is possible, as well as setting up your own control preferences in-game there's another file (can't remember which but someone will know!) where you can specify pedals etc.

Stick at it Roger! :) Check out how good cfs3 can look in this screenshot thread:
Howdy to you all

O.K. ETO expansion. And where do I find that and can I download it with dial up? I suppose this was in response about how hard it is to see ground targets.

I flew around that practice map and found nothing on the roads at all. Vehicles are all well hidden.

I have a better vid card (512 MB) and a dual core CPU (2GHz, 2GHz). The memory is still 2 GB. But the new puter is a better puter. I don't know the frame rate on CFS3 but on FS2004 it's between 75 and 26 depending on the plane.

And if someone could tell me about multiple joy sticks and how to keep them seperate. I'd appreciate that. In FS2004 I changed many a config file to match it up with true performance.

Found that I have JF's Memphis Bell and I have to look at WOP and see if it will install on CF3. I have a lot of practice ahead of me. I haven't flown a Combat Sim since AOP, AOE.
ETO Expansion

Howdy to you all
O.K. ETO expansion. And where do I find that and can I download it with dial up?

Hi Roger

At this moment ETO has reached v1.20 and You need v1.0 and v1.20 cumulative update to install it.
The two files reach about 2 GBites so I think that with a dial-up it is a very very hard job to accomplish, but I can come in your help if You want, send me a private message (PM) with your home address and I shall burn a dvd with those files and I shall send it toYou whatever part of the world You live in.

Let me know, cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore"

Better ask for a dvd or cd from someone rather than dial up. The entire add on is very large.

Once you do however, you will a huge number of planes and such to play with.
Before I PM a guy who looks like he's in Italia maybe I should ask if someone from the USA can send me a CD.

So I am asking.

2 GB at 5000-5500 k/second will take forever.

I'm still looking for any one who knows about multiple Joy sticks. Throttle Quadrant uses X, Y, Z and their rotations (Prop, Mixture, throttles 1-4). Pro Peddals uses X, Y, and Z rotation. The X and Y are the brakes and Z rotation is the rudder