New Pacific Theater WWII flight sim coming

Cool stuff @heywooood. (y)
The forums for Combat Pilot have been online for a little over a year. Here is a link to the Expo discussion thread at the Combat Pilot forums..

FSExpo 2024 - Las Vegas June 21-23, 2024

They have several other media sites that have been online during that year too.
Discord: (fairly active)
Facebook: (Updated frequently)
X (formerly Twitter):
YouTube: (At this time it only has two development videos)
Instagram: (No posts at this time)
Twitch: (No videos at this time)

no - it's all good. I was just surprised for myself I guess that Jason Williams did an official reveal at the Expo indicating they had a full year of development under their belt, that they were using the Unreal Engine, that they were and continue to be soliciting for Japanese literate researchers to help with IJN aircraft and war materials, that they were pretty far along into recreating, at long last, a return to the Pacific War theater for combat flight sim enthusiasts, and that this was the first I was hearing of it.
There was speculation that the IL2 Reboot was going to move in that direction after Rise of Flight was essentially migrated over to it - there has also been speculation that the newer IL2 would be used for recreating the Korean conflict. I guess we'll see.
Maybe it was determined that a Pacific theater would need a different engine than that used for IL2 - All I know is that I have been missing Pacific Fighters from the old days so when I saw that Jason was making an announcement I dropped my beer. I've NEVER dropped a beer.