OK thanks - planning to start a test campaign later this evening, after backing up and carefully installing per the readme. I'm guessing that it's not practicable to make this into a mod that could be enabled and if needed, disabled using JSGME, as it involves more than just files being swapped in and out.
Hi 33lima,
Actually I agree the preferred way to do things would be to automate as much as possible. But for the testing phase I just assembled the files that seemed the minimum necessary to minimise nations and keep the spawns interesting.
33lima said:
It says 'Keep the folder and contents of ETO_BoB in a safe place outside your ETO install'
Yes I am talking about my folder unzipped which is called ETO_BoB
Also a lot of the changes could be compiled in a .bat file but I'm not proficient with compiling bat files - it will take me quite a while to compile one
33lima said:
not being clear how I do step 5 (checking the fighter bombers I want to fly have 'recon' as a mission their .xdp files
Open up a the ETO_Hur_Mk2 aircraft's .xdp file. The first section of an aircraft xdp file is called General, for general stuff presumably! Within that is the Category="fighter_bomber". This is the pick type used for air.spawns - the spawns call for fighters, fighter_bomber, bombers, tactical_bomber or level_bomber.
Very few fighters have the Category="fighter" so I only referred to fighter_bomber. Anyway, step five is largely obsolete because I threw in those aircraft.xdps which have the mod done already.
But FYI, and in case you feel entused to add the Recon option to other aircraft, here is the deal:
Further down the xdp file, past the General section, is a section called Loadouts. This is where various things like fuel drop tanks, rockets, bombs or cannon pods can be selected for flying a mission. What I do is look for the loadout with a MissionType="Escort". This is for longer range duties and is typically associated with a drop tank loadout. I figure Recon missions are usually longer range.
Check that there is not a "Recon" already included in one of the loadouts. In the xdp I provided you for the ETO_Hurri_Mk2, you will see that I added the Recon Missiontype to the 2 x 45 gal drop tank loadout. The MissionType list for the drop tanks is quite long and there are
no gaps in the list:
If you recall, take a look at the bottom of the bo campaign xml you plan to use, for Allied players. There is a MissionEffects and an OffensiveEffects section down the bottom of the campaign file. You will notice that these missions correspond to the missiontypes listed in the aircraft loadouts section:
<ME MissionType="Intercept" M="3" S="3" P="3" Radius="3"/>
<ME MissionType="Sweep" M="3" S="3" P="3" Radius="3"/>
<ME MissionType="Cap" M="3" S="3" P="3" Radius="3"/>
<ME MissionType="
Recon" M="3" S="2" P="2" Radius="3"/>
<ME MissionType="Escort" M="2" S="2" P="2" Radius="2"/>
<ME MissionType="AntiShip" M="2" S="3" P="2" Radius="2"/>
Although it is not explicit, I figure that it helps if aircraft involved in the campaign have all the relevant MissionTypes listed in their Loadouts section, that correspond with the missions listed in the campaign.xml file - it just helps.
.bdps - what are you saying here? I don't understand. Easiest just to delete the .bdps from the aircraft folders for which I've provided alternative xdp files.
33lima said:
It says 'Cannot load campaign 'nek_ETO.xml'
This means you have not renamed the game.xml file to gameSTD.xml, and placed the gameBoB.xml into the root of the install, and renamed it to game.xml
33lima said:
The only strange thing I noticed is that Unlimitedpilots.xml had not been regenerated
Ah now this may be an issue. In my version of ETO, D:\CFS3 ETO Expansion, I have an unlimitedpilots.xml in this root pathway, as well as in the AppData pathway. In the package, I should include unlimitedpilots.xml together with the uisel.xml, in the Default folder D:\CFS3 ETO Expansion\defaults.
Just check, I suspect you don't have an unlimitedpilots.xml in your main install?