Chuck Lawsen
Charter Member
Its' been awhile since I've submitted a paint, but it isn't that I haven't been busy. I've been working on making some detailed paints of Chris Herring's BT-13 off and on for 3 years. Got the FS9 vs's done by early 2013, but wanted to wait until I made some FSX copies too - just got done with those. Some of you may recall I did some paints for Put-Put's BT-13, I have a detailed history on a pdf included in the download of how I arrived at an accurate depiction of a BT-13 dad had posed with for a couple of photos while taking advanced training in 1943. Here are some views of the FS9 paints - put a lot of detail on them. If you haven't got this model yet, go over to and pick it up for only $14, cheap! Plus you'll help out a great guy who is a Marine veteran. He's had a bout with cancer lately, and I'm sure he could benefit from some sales.