New Pedals


Charter Member
I got my rudder pedals I have to learn how to fly in the sim all over,lol. Especially while taxiing....but they sure are fun...I got the Saiteks...there ws a good price at amazon......I'm waiting for the joystick, a cyborgx with two throttle controls which oughtta be handy with twin and four engine props........
In real life I learned to fly glider (and motorglider), so it was obvious to have a yoke (for (motor-)gliders a stick) and pedals. It makes life much easier and much more realistic, and you can do great manoeuvres such as slips.

I tried flying using only a joystick while simming at a friend's computer, but I was absolutely crap.

I hear ya guys! The biggest thing I'm learning at the moment is how to make co-ordinated turns which altho my old stick had a rudder axis, it's really kinda hard to do the rudder twist and the aeilerons (sp?) at the same time...but it's hard gettin past the habit of turning the stick,lol, so I reset all the assignments so the astick twist does nothing and the brakes are no longer assigned to the stick so I can get used to the toe-brakes....anyway, I'm havin fun and that's the whole point!!!!
Would that mean, (If I have pedals - in the future) I need to learn flying again? :bump:

Congratulations on your new pedals!

As I added my controllers (saitek yoke, Throttle quadrant and pedals) it some how corrupted my fs9.cfg file.

I would make changes to the profile and it would not save them when I went out of options.

I ended up deleting my FS9.cfg file to be able to save the settings. If you have trouble making the changes back up the old one and start over.

Also delete all of the duplicate button assignments for all controllers. By default FS adds buttons 1 to 9 assignments to your rudder pedals. Which you do not have. If you don't delete them strange things start happening.

Good luck and I suggest spending a couple of dollars and getting two throttle quadrants. Its cool to have 4 engine controls. :applause:
I will say Middle that having rudder pedals with brakes gives all new life to tail draggers too. And, if the old WWII aircraft were done correctly, even the tri-gear units were steered by braking.

As I added my controllers (saitek yoke, Throttle quadrant and pedals) it some how corrupted my fs9.cfg file.

I would make changes to the profile and it would not save them when I went out of options.

I ended up deleting my FS9.cfg file to be able to save the settings. If you have trouble making the changes back up the old one and start over.

Also delete all of the duplicate button assignments for all controllers. By default FS adds buttons 1 to 9 assignments to your rudder pedals. Which you do not have. If you don't delete them strange things start happening.

Good luck and I suggest spending a couple of dollars and getting two throttle quadrants. Its cool to have 4 engine controls. :applause:

....Dave, where do those 'duplicates' reside? in the fs9 cfg, or in the assignments in the sim?
I flew for years with just a joystick... eventually got a joystick (seitek) with a twist for the rudder, was nice. About 2 months ago I finally broke down (meaning finally convinced the wife) and got a seitiek yoke, throddle, and pedals, and I love em immensely, but yes, had to learn to 'really' fly with them, but its great...

now, i had a small difficulty assigning them, just from getting used to how they work, ui, etc, but they work great, keep a program, and i have not had any problems having them corrupt anything *that i know of....*

but flying with a yoke, throddle and pedals is awesome... so much precise control... fun fun fun...
Dave, as far as I know everything is fine altho I had a bit of a hassle figuring out the settings....then I realized that I wasn't getting full right rudder. Turns out the bottom of the desk where the computer resides was interfering with the pedals.......Now my setup has the chair pushed back a bit and it's right at the limit where the track IR starts acting funny. Ya change one thing and it seems ya have to change it all,lol.
One thing you will find with pedals is that flying a helicopter is a whole lot easier. Most of the turning and finite control for the landing and take offs are done with the pedals. You might find that you can fly them now, when flying them with only the joystick was next to impossible. I know I found it a lot easier.
My old analog CH Pro stick pedals and throttles gave up recently so I replaced them with the saitek yoke, pedals and throttle set. Have to say they're pretty good although the movement range is much wider so had to re-learn to fly with the set. The toe brakes are really handy, esp for taildraggers! As edGeneer says, install and configuration is not straightforward; took about two hours to configure em satisfactorily.
I do however miss flying jets & helo's esp the Tiltrotor which really need a stick rather than yoke, so yesterday got a cheap USB joystick to try em with. Plug it into the usb hub on the yoke; I found I have to disable X & Y axes on the yoke as they clashed, but otherwise all good. (Tiltrotor's particularly good because the Saitek set has seperate pitch and throttle levers so no need to reassign anything).
Middle - coordinated turns are way harder in FS than in real life due to the lack of feedback. I dont make any real effort to coordinate turns, rather just do it by what "feels" about right based on cues from the rate of turn, stability & consistency, position of horizon etc. Oh, and yes - heli's are great with pedals :)

Next thing you'll be getting is Track IR...a must have!
OK all the changes are made in the FS9 assignments and sensativities menu in flight simulator. I do not suggest making changes to this section in the FS9.cfg file unless you are better than me...

And most of you probably are. :icon_lol:

Change Button Assignments only

Do not deleted key assignments they show up under each controller. If you deleted them in one controller they are gone in all others. Which leaves you with no key assignments. Yep I did that once. :blind:

In these screen shots I circled the location to look for the duplicates.

What happens is FS make the same button assignments to all controllers.

So your rudder pedals will have assignments for Buttons 01 to 09. Those being the flaps, trim, hat switch, brakes, switch views and knee board.

You do not have those buttons on the rudder pedals and strange things happen when they are assigned where they can not be used.

What used to happen to me was the sim would switch views from VC to spot plane or 2D to VC when I never hit any button. I think this problem only shows up when using the Saitek Yoke and you have the multiple assignments in the other controllers. However its a good Idea to clean it up.

For the Rudder Pedals just delete all button assigments.

For all other controllers Delete all un usable assignments. For instance I have an ST290 that has 6 buttons and a hat switch. I deleted buttons 7 to 9 (or however high it goes) to eliminate the unused buttons. I also don't use duplicate assignments at all. Only one controller has the functioning hat switch, trim and so forth.

For sensitivities see the screen shots and set up yours that way. They are rather simple.

Now here is where things get screwy. Saving these settings.

My suggestion is follow this format.

Start FS and enter the assignment menu.

Make your changes then exit FS.

Start FS and check all assignments.

If they are not right change them again and exit FS.

Some times in my sim if I make a change then fly a flight then shut down FS the changes did not get made to the FS9.cfg file. I don't know why. So changing the settings then restarting seems to work right.

Do the same for Sensitivity settings but do it after you get the assignments set.

Hope that makes sense.
Yep, Dave hit it all. Just to reiterate, when you dobleclick on an assignment to change it, DO NOT DELETE KEYBOARD ASSIGNMENTS!!! Delete joystick BUTTON ASSIGNMENTS ONLY! Then check and set sensetivities, hit ok and close menus. Then restart sim. Mine keep everything just fine when doing that.

You must do this for EACH & EVERY controller hooked up. IE yoke/joystick, throttle quadrant, rudder pedals, and any other controller hooked up. Don't forget to not only delete excess button presses, but also double check and properly set up the AXIS assignments for each controller.

I've had 7 different controllers hooked up at the same time, and as long as these steps are performed, eveything worked great.

Have fun
Middle - coordinated turns are way harder in FS than in real life due to the lack of feedback. I dont make any real effort to coordinate turns, rather just do it by what "feels" about right based on cues from the rate of turn, stability & consistency, position of horizon etc.

Needle, ball and airspeed...

Rolling into the turn, watch the turn & bank indicator. First (or first large) mark on the perimeter is a "rate One Turn" -3 deg./second. Feed in rudder input to keep the ball centered ("step on the ball" - ie, if the ball goes left, push left pedal, etc.), check airspeed to ensure that your turn is not inducing a climb or descent - be gentle and "co-ordinated" :icon_lol: If the ball slides to the outside of the turn you're skidding, if to the inside, you're slipping. In a lot of aircraft the FS flight dynamics make it difficult to make a co-ordinated turn tighter than a rate one turn so don't be frustrated.
As you get familiar with a given plane, watch for clues based on the horizon meeting the panel, a rivet, a part of the plane and you can use those as a quick guide.. but needle, ball and airspeed... just as was taught to thousands of student pilots in the last 75 years or so.

For the fun of it get a plane with LOTS of rudder authority, (the CR-1 Rata is one) fly at speed down a runway and apply FULL rudder while holding wings level (as possible). reverse the input. you'll learn a lot about flight dynamics if you watch things like your airspeed:icon_lol:
