OK all the changes are made in the FS9 assignments and sensativities menu in flight simulator. I do not suggest making changes to this section in the FS9.cfg file unless you are better than me...
And most of you probably are.
Change Button Assignments only
Do not deleted key assignments they show up under each controller. If you deleted them in one controller they are gone in all others. Which leaves you with no key assignments. Yep I did that once.
In these screen shots I circled the location to look for the duplicates.
What happens is FS make the same button assignments to all controllers.
So your rudder pedals will have assignments for Buttons 01 to 09. Those being the flaps, trim, hat switch, brakes, switch views and knee board.
You do not have those buttons on the rudder pedals and strange things happen when they are assigned where they can not be used.
What used to happen to me was the sim would switch views from VC to spot plane or 2D to VC when I never hit any button. I think this problem only shows up when using the Saitek Yoke and you have the multiple assignments in the other controllers. However its a good Idea to clean it up.
For the Rudder Pedals just delete all button assigments.
For all other controllers Delete all un usable assignments. For instance I have an ST290 that has 6 buttons and a hat switch. I deleted buttons 7 to 9 (or however high it goes) to eliminate the unused buttons. I also don't use duplicate assignments at all. Only one controller has the functioning hat switch, trim and so forth.
For sensitivities see the screen shots and set up yours that way. They are rather simple.
Now here is where things get screwy. Saving these settings.
My suggestion is follow this format.
Start FS and enter the assignment menu.
Make your changes then exit FS.
Start FS and check all assignments.
If they are not right change them again and exit FS.
Some times in my sim if I make a change then fly a flight then shut down FS the changes did not get made to the FS9.cfg file. I don't know why. So changing the settings then restarting seems to work right.
Do the same for Sensitivity settings but do it after you get the assignments set.
Hope that makes sense.