new phase 3 mission upload


happy flying to all
wilhelmshaven -the coupe de grace

Harry Hun has established a tank training depot at an abandoned airfield
8 F2B's loaded to the hilt with bombs escorted by 6 camels will pay a visit to the tank training base set up at an abandoned air base.

our spy in the field has let us know that today it graduation day for the first class of graduates.they have also learned the Hun have plans for exspansion of this zepplin facility. knock out the zepplin sheds as well as wreck havoc with the graduation exercises. you should arive there just as the tanks are entering the shallows to show off their ability to operate in all condition's.
you will require the phase-2 zepp. it is attached to a previous mission of mine here at soh .i have included a weather file[thanks to Gandi] and a spawns folder. there are 6 fokker tripes takeing off as you attack the first airfield.
most of all, have fun and enjoy.
On site now

these missions are designed for the max players allowed by the cfs-3 engine 16, so are pretty difficult for 2-3 player's.
depending on the numbers,send one guy in to straff the ammo depot and the rest of you vulchers wait for the spawns to show on the airfield.
conserve ammo as there are a lot of targets in this one.
Ok Bob,

And now you can help me out with the mission making. How the heck did you manage to get around your pilot spawing in the luggage compartment. Is there a specific aircraft that doesn't see that effect???


Hi parky

The team will get this sorted for us in due course i am sure.
you have to hand edit the missions and fill in the correct name.
for the camel it is qc-1 at the end of the planes name.
every plane in the mission has to be hand edited for it to work.
plus every waypoint and altitude has to be edited. if you reopen the mission all this is lost[excludeing the plane name] and you must hand edit it all over again unless you dont mind at what altitude your planes come in at.
o.f.f. missions are very labor intensive '''''''' there are far worse places one can spend their time lol.
Thx PD.......unlike you, I don't have the patience of a saint for all that editing. Think I'll wait for the

Appreciate you taking the time to explain it.


:wavey:Pd can you tell me where your the_great_war_continues mission goes. And just how do I select your missions. :typing:Lots to learn in P3


PD- I think he was asking where you extract the file/folders to once you download them and how you choose it to fly in game..
mission 4 just uploaded

the luxeuil railyards raid

The Hun war machine can be slowed down with a sucessful attack on their rail system. Camels----air start F2B's-----runway start

we will do a sweep into enemy territory in hopes of finding and eliminateing train movement.the main marshallening yards must be destroyed. this is a long and dangerous mission gentlemen,stay alert out there as we want you to return safely to the nest
we have learned of a mission within the mission. one of the hun trains pulling in to the despot has a general and his staff on board. HE HAS BECOME THE PRIMARY TARGET.
extract the zipp file to your desktop, then open it and extract the files to your main O.F.F. game folder and answer ''yes to all'' when prompted. this will put any weather,spawns, and missions ito the proper game folders.

:wavey:Thanks Pd I have all three of your missions, the later too I unzipped right to the main Off p3 folder, they went to the historical folder. does your first mission The great war continues go in that folder. Also, from what I understand there are only three P3 missions. All yours. Correct!


there will be 4 as soon as they upload it

the first mission may have to be placed into the historical folder as an xml file.
from mission 2 on they all will ask to overwrite and tou simply answer ''yes to all''
they have to be pointed to the main game off folder from here on in and all missions and related weather,spawns ect will be installed correctly.
