New pilot in the family


Charter Member
Just added a new pilot in my family,:welcome: Carson Kyle, born yesterday, Jan. 8, 2009.
:woot:got me a grandson at last:applause:
Congrats Papaw! And to the parents of that good lookin youngun.

Now, get ready to spoil, spoil and spoil some more.

Congratulations Grandpa...:applause:

He must get his good looks from his mom. Grandkids are special, enjoy them...:ernae:
Congratulations! He looks like a strapping young lad. Tell the truth -- you're out looking for tiny aviator sunglasses for him right now, aren't you?

Reminds me of my brother, who once told me "being a father doesn't really appeal to me, I'd much rather be a granddad!!"
Congradulations! Good looking boy you have there.

Quick! Get him a toy airplane!

May your son have an awesome, amazing, blessed, fun life and may he behold many great things...
