New Players start here.



I hate the term 'Newbies'. Anyway, here is a short director to help you get the info you need.

First a little background.
OFF has been out for 4 years (I think) and an incredible wealth of advice and information had built up on this forum. Sadly, it was all lost recently and has had to be slowly posted back in again. After the release of Phase 3 there will surely be different information to post, so almost all of what is on here now pertains to Phase 2.

This forum has followed many cycles where a batch of new players would enter the arena about every three months or so. Even though we try to help everyone and make them welcome, it does get tiring and frustrating answering the same questions over and over for the past few years. So, by this time, some of the old heads may be a bit short. Except for Gimpy, he's always been that way. So, don't take offense at his answers, the message outweighs the delivery and he does offer some good info.

Now, the meat of the matter. Read the sticky OFF tips and cheats at the top of the first page of the forum. Read all the stickies for that matter. Also, if you want to search the forum, use the advanced search. That's in the tips and cheats as well, and the basic search couldn't find it's butt with both hands.

And, last, don't be afraid to ask or feel intimidated no matter the response. We want everyone to get the maximum enjoyment from OFF and will do our best to help get you there. There are many players here who could consider themselves old heads who struggled initially to get this sim to where they could enjoy it but with the persistence of the devs and the forum, they made it. It's also because of that, that a lot of strides were made in fixing CFS3 limitations and Vista issues, etc. that are part of Phase 3.

So, good luck, happy hunting and enjoy the scenery.
I popped back in here recently (busy summer/fall didn't have the time to install OFF) and I have never once felt that anyone here has talked down to me. Yes, I've asked my share of stupid newbie questions and I've been told to check the tips and cheats (to which I took no offense) and I look there first. I understand that there was a crash at these forums that wiped out alot of helpful info (I was wondering why my post count started at zero again).
I appreciate all the help I have received to date and thank all those who have taken the time to reply. I am learning and I am certainly willing to pass along what I have learned to others. I admit at this point, I don't know enough to be comfortable doing that (I'd rather say nothing than give a wrong answer).
V-Bulletin searches are odd, so just because we ask doesn't mean it isn't there, somewhere, it just means we can't find it. I, for one, don't often know what term to search for. Thanks again for your patience, the OFF team will be rewarded with more folks buying OFF3.
I second the motion for a sticky. I'm a charter member oldbie and I still refer back to Gimpy's stickys because they are excellent summaries of the most useful CFS3 features and commands.