New Project: Japanese F-15's


I am starting a new project. I want to paint as many JASDF F-15J as I can for the freeware IRIS F-15 model. For this purpose I'm making a completely new paintkit from scratch, with the intentions to pay close attention to details and ensure a high-quality repaint with accurate colour and the high detail.

I love Japan, I love JASDF, I love F-15, so I feel that I must make this. I also want to share it with everyone, so I will post the progress here. Here's the first screenshot of the "rough-draft". Right now it's very early, only the basic details are becoming laid-out, and initial weathering. As it progresses, I hope it will get better and better. I want to know your opinion as I work. Anything to help me make it better is gratefully accepted!

I want to build a big collection and paint many liveries, so if there's a livery you wish, please let me know!

Thank you for looking!
Great stuff!

Matter of interest, what made you choose the Iris model over, say, Coral?
It was a hard decision, I compared them closely before choosing a direction. I love CORAL's model as well, and I prefer the FPS performance of it, but after comparing, the texture mapping of IRIS's model was easier for me to paint. Also it permits the inclusion of tiny details in places like the surface of the wings.
Will be interesting to see how this project turns out. The IRIS F-15 is a superb model, looking forward to seeing your excellent brushwork on her. :medals:

It was a hard decision, I compared them closely before choosing a direction. I love CORAL's model as well, and I prefer the FPS performance of it, but after comparing, the texture mapping of IRIS's model was easier for me to paint. Also it permits the inclusion of tiny details in places like the surface of the wings.

In any case, there are a lot of repaints out there for the Coral F-15js, so it will be great to have a good selection for the Iris Eagle as well. Looking forward to seeing this project develop Lazerbeak.
More work was done today. Slowly more details are completed. Soon it will be time to place MANY decals and stencils, which is fun, but it's very tedious!
Go for it!

Do it my friend. :medals: :icon29:

This sounds like a very special project.

Don't rush it, take your time and enjoy being creative. You'll never look back.

Textures? Now I've seen some beautiful real Japanese F-15's...beautiful paintwork and schemes. I would be glad to see some of them on this ship!

...and you never know; maybe we can give this beauty the sounds she deserves.
Today was a very busy day! I'm happy to show the first complete paint, #62-8958, of the 305 Hikoutai, based in Hyakuri Air Base, Omitama City, Ibaraki Prefecture.

I took it for a first "test drive" in the sim, and I'm glad to say everything works fine. There's still a little work to do, external tanks are still unpainted, pilot needs to be dressed in JASDF gear, and the plan to create the paintkit for 2-seaters. But, now I think I can begin the real part of the project, painting many F-15's. I plan to start with one F-15 from every squadron in standard colours, and then special airshow liveries, 50th anniversary colours, and finally aggressor liveries if I can.

But for now, I'll take a little rest, and play with this plane for a bit. :)
More work done, now the second F-15 rolls away from the paint-hangar. This time # 42-8837 of the 304 Hikoutai, based in Tsuiki Air Base, Tsuiki City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The same air base in the nice freeware scenery which was posted by Flyboy208 here, so now there is something to fly in it. :)

And I want to thank you so much for your kind words, my friends. Also to Nigel, if you would like to make sounds for the F-15, it would be a great honour to use sounds made by you in this project. :salute:
Now a two-seater added. # 82-8066 of the 23 Hikoutai, Nyutabaru Air Base, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture. Good for use in MAIW scenery of Nyutabaru.