New Rising Sun installation guide


Staff member
There is a new, fully illustrated guide to installing the PTO Rising Sun beta expansion for CFS3 in the downloads library, section CFS3 Other

This reworks the original instructions by rbp71854 and Grizzly50 and adds essential contributions by mrjmaint and Italflyer. Installation to XP, Vista and Windows 7 are fully covered, both 32-bit and 64-bit, and screenshots from the entire process are included. I hope the community finds this helpful!

If you find any errors, please let me know pronto!

PTO Rising Sun Installation Guide
Well Done

Thank you. Should help with the installation process.

There is a new, fully illustrated guide to installing the PTO Rising Sun beta expansion for CFS3 in the downloads library, section CFS3 Other

This reworks the original instructions by rbp71854 and Grizzly50 and adds essential contributions by mrjmaint and Italflyer. Installation to XP, Vista and Windows 7 are fully covered, both 32-bit and 64-bit, and screenshots from the entire process are included. I hope the community finds this helpful!

If you find any errors, please let me know pronto!

PTO Rising Sun Installation Guide

Beautiful presentation.

I think its clear Vanilla can stay in its same location, and just make copies of it for future installs? Ie: only need to use mult-cfs3 process for the subsequent cfs3 and/or expansion versions, not Vanilla itself. (Hope his makes sense)

(Thanks for advance copy). The screen shots are very helpful.
Hi Nice work

Question. With Win 7 64 bit, how are you able to modify the theater selector bat file file with out changing the security settings on the PTO-RS main game folder?


Hi Nice work

Question. With Win 7 64 bit, how are you able to modify the theater selector bat file file with out changing the security settings on the PTO-RS main game folder?



The Guide asks users to turn the UAC off. (I use Win7 64-bit myself)
Its Night and Day

Thanks to the new PTO installation guide and to Pattle for his dvd, I finally got PTO up and running - Tally Ho to all of you out there who were involved in the development of PTO and its products. I have one small issue. No matter what time of day I put in, it's always night and only Pearl Harbor functions properly. If I select Wake or Midway, my system crashes. I am running Vista. Has anyone had this problem before and if so is there a solution.
Have you tried any of the other theatres? That said, it sounds as if you'd better start again! Follow the instructions in the Guide (last page) to remove everything from your existing RS installation before doing a reinstall.

Reading between the lines, I suspect you've tried this several times before and the previous attempts were not fully removed before this one.
......I have one small issue. No matter what time of day I put in, it's always night and only Pearl Harbor.......

Hi regarding the time of day. Its a time zone thing. For Pearl if you want a daytime spawn you have to select night in the locatoion section.


PTO Rising Sun-Help!

I am trying to avoid a complete reinstal.
I have re-executed the PTO RS Beta 1.0 Hotfix without the mini -update file remover.exe as prescribed, but in the process I have lost the usage of the Theather_selector.bat the cfs3.exe does not accept it anymore.
What can I do ?
Followed Hairspin instructions to the letter and everything worked fine excecpt fot the avg theatre for some reason afther using it for some missions I stopped having access to this theatre.
Any suggestions are welcomed.
found an easy way to get it working whitout making a reload;
-run the game on pearl harbor attack 2 with the spawns set at A
-in win7 erase the CFS3 PTO Rising Sun________ in C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFS3 PTO Rising Sun________
-run the game again on pearl harbor attack 2 with the spawns set at A using the cfs3.exe located in the RS directory
- finally run the CFS3_PTO_Rising_Sun_Uisel-installer_part-8 making the proper adjustments.