New scenery from me

ian elliot

RAF Labuan/Kuching for FS9 by ian elliot, 17/12/14

Two airfields on the northern coast of Borneo, used by the RAF from 1962-66 in support of the newly independent regions
of Brunei and Sarawak against possible rebellion and incrshion from neighbouring Indonesia. Javelins from 60 and 64 sq
were based at both Labuan and Kuching to counter the possable threat from the well equipped and modern Indoesian airforce,
operating Mig17, Mig 21 and Tu-16 Badger bombers, although the threat never materialised, cross border incursions were reported by Indonesian P-51's and B-26 Invaders

You'll need to install by Wolfgang Gersch, available from Flightsim.

Basic traffic file is included, you'll need to install these aircraft---, available from Flightsim, available from Avsim

in the library now, cheers ian

rafsupportvs-2, a library of Bedford 3 ton trucks, Land Rover's and Taskmaster tractors for FS2004 and FSX
Tested and works in both sims with EZ-Scenery and Instant scenery programs

Installation, either place bgl into Addon-scenery/Scenery folder and texture's into Addon-scenery/texture folder
or place unzipped "rafsupportvs-2" folder into Addon-scenery folder and activate as a normal scenery and move down
the list.

DDS texture's for FSX are provided if you wish to use them

Objects are not to scale, so you have to adjust with your object placement program

also available in the library, cheers ian
Thanks for these, Ian!

I'm ready to buy either EZ Scenery or Instant Scenery 3. I've got the 30 day demo version of Instant Scenery 3 right now, so I've got an idea of how it works.

Do you or anyone else have an opinion on which one works better, or maybe just which one you prefer and why?


Also, I'm still stumbling around trying to find scenery objects. Does anyone have a link to a library package of old cars (like a Model T, etc) from the 1920's and 1930's?

Thanks again!
For me, i think instant scenery has the edge, its slightly easier to work with and it works with both FS9 and FSX, unfortunatly, EZ only works in FS9, another handy feature of instant is that it can open EZ generated Bgls and add or move objects.

cheers ian
Looks like another good 'un Ian, thanks mate. Now if we only had a Belvedere ....... nah, won't start that one again.
Also, I'm still stumbling around trying to find scenery objects. Does anyone have a link to a library package of old cars (like a Model T, etc) from the 1920's and 1930's? Thanks again!

I know that there is a package of vintage auto scenery objects from the 1920s and 30s, though I don't recall who made it or where it came from. Almost certainly from either AvSim or FlightSim.

At FlightSim, go to File Library / Search, and search the section FS2004 (ACOF): FS2004 Scenery Objects leaving the window that you'd use to specify a specific file blank. That will bring up the entire section.

At AvSim, go to the Library, go to the box at the bottom of the page that's labeled "Use this box to view all files in a category!" and select "Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery Design" and click the Change Category button.

It will take a while to find the vintage autos package, but you'll find a lot of other things that you'll like too.

Or you could search specifically for "vintage autos" or similar phrases. I'm pretty certain the term "vintage" is in the file name, and I think it's "vintage autos." But you'll probably want to peruse the entire category at both sites.

You might find it worthwhile to look at FS2002 Scenery objects too.

BTW, I place objects with Library Object Manager. It handles pretty much all kinds of object libraries, whatever program they were made for. It can be clunky with some kinds of libraries, but for me it has two big advantages. One, it's freeware. Two, I know how to use it, mostly, and with hobby time in seriously short supply, it saves me from the time it would take to learn another program.
... cross border incursions were reported by Indonesian P-51's and B-26 Invaders...

B-26 Invaders flown by Air America (or one of its its corporate siblings) also flew combat in that little dust-up, though I believe they were on the other side. When one of the pilots was shot down and captured it became one of the public's first indications that the CIA was doing more than just gathering intelligence in that corner of the world. That was before it became public knowledge that Air America (perhaps under an earlier name, I don't recall for sure) had flown the C-119 Boxcars that supplied the French Légion étrangère at Dien Bien Phu back in 1954.
Intresting post Nick, im guessing that was from a decade or so earlier, at the time, the Brits and the USA were more worried about that area of the world than in Indochina, it was belived that the local Communist force's were getting a lot of help from both Russia and China, esp as Chinese made up a sizable portion of the local population, in the end though, both powers had little intrest in the area and were more intrested in Vietnam as it happen'd,
I may be wrong but im thinking the P51's, Invaders and Mitchells were ex-Dutch after they pulled out of the area in the late 40's early 50's

cheers ian

Looks like another good 'un Ian, thanks mate. Now if we only had a Belvedere ....... nah, won't start that one again.

Ah, but we do have a Sycamore and Valetta by Rick Piper.... It ain't half hot mum

