New Sea Fury to come...

:woot::woot:Holy Smokes a Cuban FAAR. :applause::applause: Please direct me to the model required please. You've made my day and the paint is a very fine caribbean camo typical of cuban Faar.
Well the model is the Sea Fury of David Hanvey and Paul Barry, you can find it in Flightsim : "" and ""...

If you like Cuban versions, I had made 2 others, you can find here on SOH... ;)
Found the paints and the models along with current update. Ive got a spot at my MUSA field for this camo paint.
Hi Robert,

Another fantastic repaint ! I have to admit, though, that I'm struggling to work out what a bright blue and dark green camouflage scheme would blend in with .......

Cuban topography and territorial defense. It actually does blend very well from ground to water and swamps. Seen this scheme actually on Cuban migs and hinds when I was down in Cuba. Looks great Robert. Both Robert and SteveB are excellent Cuban FAAR painters and my faverite. I just need the elusive P-47 that cuba actually had.
Hi Alastair... You know I ask myself the same question, about blue and dark green... LOL But after all, another cuban version I'd made was all in dark green, so...
Or maybe another possibility is that at this time, in Cuba (with embargo), the cuban army just find blue and green to paint their planes... :p

Trans : maybe you can help me : I have a little trouble with this scheme : the documentation on web is very light (find 2 ou 3 pictures, on ground) and I have not the bird in all faces. And I can't see very well the up and down wings, so I can't see exactly where are roundels and, maybe, numbers...
Of course, I have solution to inspirate from the other Cuban's Fury I made (the all green) but, well... If i could find the exact scheme, I think I will be better...
So, If you (or everyone...) have some doc, or now somethine about that... ;)

And sorry again everybody for my terrible english... :faint:
Ok I located the #541 fury at Playa Giron Museum. No marking under right wing. Im waiting for the museum response to me thru the the EAA to see if and what markings are on the wings. Ok found a pic on the museums site. Im also adding another pic showing no marking on the upper wings. This last pic is older then the first and before 541 restoration on its paint.
I thought you'd like to know cuban hawker # 541 is cuba's most famous fighter AC.

He is some pics showing her schemes over the years. 541 also was involved in the bay of pigs and all the way till 1970. im also showing #575 the trainer.
Seems Cuba lhad a love for the seafury that really goes deep.
Thanks Trans, but I already have this 2 pictures of the museum (and a 3rd...) ; with it, I'm almost sure that it's no roundels and marks on the down wings, and it seems have not too on the right upper. The question is : what about the left upper. Thank very much for asking to the museum ;)
I have the profils too, they're great but I'm not sure to have courage to made this tiger camo ! LOL
You could place the markings using the bay of pigs #541. Roundel upper right and lower left wings. Its typical roundel pattern used in Cuba from some observations of cuban Ac's from 1940 thru current.
I showed the pics to my Cuban Neighbor and he says you nailed the caribbean camo #541 perfect. He says thats how #541 looked in 1971 when she was put on display. Ive directed him to the model files and as soon as its uploaded will help him install this paint and the other two. He is just getting into Fs9 and FSX and his english is developing. He also want to thank you for painting a piece of history from his home. I also thank you and SteveB for painting the rare seen warbirds of the overlooked nations.:ernae:
Well thanks to you and your neighbor ! :ernae:
Now, I need to sleeeeep a long, long time !

Next Sea Fury project (maybe) : an easier, as Morroco version, or better, Pakistan : exactly same model than the Iraquian, just have to change the roundels...

But for now : :sleep:
No.3 Cuban FAR Hawker takes flight over Cuba.



Very nice ! What you use as ground textures ? GE ? or something else ?

But why "sound off" ? With great sound of the Bristol, it's a shame ! ;)

Maybe you see, I'm workin' on a Morocco version now...