New Seafire mk.LIII review


Charter Member
Just installed and been testing the new 1% 4GB Seafire Mk. LIII .Can't believe i've waited this long to install and fly. Man this is a great fighter ! Love it. Rolls like a Fw-190 and has a good climb rate. Noticed when firing cannons only that only the left cannon fires but when i fire all guns both cannons fire. Is this normal ? Has anybody encountered this ? A super cockpit and a very immersive aircraft to fly. Will look at the warbirds library section more often now so i don't miss anything else ! Regards,Scott
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Anyone else noticed that the right cannon fires but there is no tracer ? What would cause this and can it be fixed or is there already a fix for this problem?Also when cannons only are fired only the left cannon fires. Is this common to this aircraft ? Otherwise a great fighter and notice no other problems.
Anyone else noticed that the right cannon fires but there is no tracer ? What would cause this and can it be fixed or is there already a fix for this problem?Also when cannons only are fired only the left cannon fires. Is this common to this aircraft ? Otherwise a great fighter and notice no other problems.

Hi Scott, this sounds suspiciously like the issue Mongoose had recently with a Bf 110 (see his recent thread ). It turned out one of the cannon entries in the gunstations section of the xdp, had a wrong description of the name for the cannon. As soon as the name was corrected, the cannon worked. Don't ask me how to get the name for the cannon! I think it was Capt Winters who gave Mongoose the answer.
Thanks for the heads up ! It was the right cannon misnamed in the .xdp file. Corrected the right cannon name and checked the AI .xdp and it was correct. Deleted the bdp files and tested and now the Spitfire operates properly. A mistake they made while designing the aircraft. Guess no one else noticed it, but i did. Thanks Daiwilletti. Regards,Scott
Thanks for the heads up ! It was the right cannon misnamed in the .xdp file. Corrected the right cannon name and checked the AI .xdp and it was correct. Deleted the bdp files and tested and now the Spitfire operates properly. A mistake they made while designing the aircraft. Guess no one else noticed it, but i did. Thanks Daiwilletti. Regards,Scott

Nothing was misnamed anywhere.

Let me quote two points mentioned in the read-me that was included with the aircraft:

You must also install the shared texture files, guns, sounds, weapons and pylons from the base set for the Spitfire F.MkIXc (Spitfire which can be found here:


If you do not read the instructions and follow them rigidly to the letter, please do not trouble me with "It won't work" e-mails or PMs. If you can't get it to work first time, delete it all and start again rather than trying to patch it up. Ensure you back up your sounds.xml before modifying it.

Still less in public...............
Did not install the other Spitfire. The Seafire does work properly now though. I do see the gun in question in the Spitfire files. Thought i had this Spitfire but i don't. The mistake was mine alone and nothing was mistaken on your side. Sorry for the confusion.Will read more carefully from now on because i missed that on the other Spitfire. Regards,Scott
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Did ended up installing the Spitfire FMk IXc series and must say it is fantastic. Can't believe i missed this one ! Really nice work on a super detailed and outstanding Spitfire. Cheers,Scott
I would like to apologize ndicki for any trouble i may have caused of your fine work. It was all my own fault for not reading through the whole instructions you all provided. Stupid on my part. Got overconfident in my skills and i paid the price. Installed the other Spits and the are fantastic. Again,sorry for any trouble. Regards,Scott