Charter Member
Yea, there is a new Mk 9 Spitfire roaming the sky.
Beware all Dragons, and Orcs!!
Introducing the ScooterSpit!!
( named after the world famous Harley, Scooterbike)
And there is Much Rejoicing!

Truly a beautiful bird..
Finally a Spitfire worthy of a hobbit..
Armed with good old American M2 Super .50 cal cannons..
Unlimited range, firepower and BS.. (Yea you know)
To Master Nigel,
Thank you Sir, your skill with Paint is amazing, your artistic skill unequaled..
As I fly inverted and with the hobbit booster seat installed I shall sweep the skies of all Nasty's and unnatural creatures!!
Beware all Dragons, and Orcs!!
Introducing the ScooterSpit!!
( named after the world famous Harley, Scooterbike)
And there is Much Rejoicing!

Truly a beautiful bird..
Finally a Spitfire worthy of a hobbit..
Armed with good old American M2 Super .50 cal cannons..
Unlimited range, firepower and BS.. (Yea you know)
To Master Nigel,
Thank you Sir, your skill with Paint is amazing, your artistic skill unequaled..
As I fly inverted and with the hobbit booster seat installed I shall sweep the skies of all Nasty's and unnatural creatures!!