New Spitfire on the block Beautiful!!


Charter Member
Yea, there is a new Mk 9 Spitfire roaming the sky.
Beware all Dragons, and Orcs!!

Introducing the ScooterSpit!!
( named after the world famous Harley, Scooterbike)

And there is Much Rejoicing!
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Truly a beautiful bird..
Finally a Spitfire worthy of a hobbit..

Armed with good old American M2 Super .50 cal cannons..
Unlimited range, firepower and BS.. (Yea you know)

To Master Nigel,

Thank you Sir, your skill with Paint is amazing, your artistic skill unequaled..
As I fly inverted and with the hobbit booster seat installed I shall sweep the skies of all Nasty's and unnatural creatures!!


I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. To me, it looks like I ate a stomach full of beets and tried to quell my stomach by chugging Pepto-Bismol. :isadizzy:
Making North Africa safe for the British..
And She is SO Beautiful!

Upside down? looks normal to me..:icon_lol:

Lots of nastiness but ScooterSpit is up to the challenge!
And there is Much rejoicing!

:applause: :applause: :applause:
Tom, if you only knew the things I have to agree to in order to get my special missions...

How are you finding the armament, Owen? By the way, you're missing the prop textures. You need to install the base model too!
Tom, if you only knew the things I have to agree to in order to get my special missions...

How are you finding the armament, Owen? By the way, you're missing the prop textures. You need to install the base model too!

Nigel, this Monster set of Guns are truly frightening..:isadizzy::isadizzy:
Made a "stock" XDP up, 2X20mm and 4X .303..
:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
if ya can sent me the prop texture..And base model..
Thanks for this beauty..
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Too Cool!!
I found in my CFS3 advanced set up I do have the prop texture loaded there.
Much rejoicing!!
:applause: :applause:
Now if i knew which one it was..:icon_lol:

Thanks fior this rapidly becoming a well favored aircraft to fly,
Now that I can stand to look at it..:ernae:
Finally a beautiful Spitfire..