Hi All,
I just built a new machine to house my FS9/FSX installs and while I use FSX, most of my flying is FS9 (along with most of my flightsim dollars!). I dont think I will try and copy over my old install to the new box , instead I plan on installing everything onto an SSD for best performance. My question to you all, is there a how to or a document on best practices?
I mean I will install FS9, upgrade to FS9.1, then whats the next thing? Install global terrain mesh? Global default texture upgrades (FS9 Extreme) then add new water and sky textures? then start with local sceneries? Add some planes after that?
What about directory structures, should I cut up the local sceneries by geographical location (US, Canada, Italy, South Africs, ect under addon scenery)? I just want to make this the cleanest easiest to administer install I have had so I can fly quickly after startup and not wait for stuff to load.
Thanks for listening,
I just built a new machine to house my FS9/FSX installs and while I use FSX, most of my flying is FS9 (along with most of my flightsim dollars!). I dont think I will try and copy over my old install to the new box , instead I plan on installing everything onto an SSD for best performance. My question to you all, is there a how to or a document on best practices?
I mean I will install FS9, upgrade to FS9.1, then whats the next thing? Install global terrain mesh? Global default texture upgrades (FS9 Extreme) then add new water and sky textures? then start with local sceneries? Add some planes after that?
What about directory structures, should I cut up the local sceneries by geographical location (US, Canada, Italy, South Africs, ect under addon scenery)? I just want to make this the cleanest easiest to administer install I have had so I can fly quickly after startup and not wait for stuff to load.
Thanks for listening,